Chapter 20

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Chapter 20,a little trouble?

Japan,Tokyo -12 am,daytime,three days after the Kamado visited

*(Y/n)'s POV*


'Mommy can I have that?'



I was strolling a markt,just looking around.I decide I needed to get out for sometime.I am staying now at brothels were people actually goes at night and paying money with getting mist in them hehe........funny.the place were everything happen I started to own know.Of course I still have control of some people in the places with some little cloud patrolling.Right now I feel at peace but I have a little problem in my mind.......


Actuall a BIG problem

For sometime i haven't heard about Muzan and there haven't been any uppermoon in a brothel too,did they stop searching for me??.I was so deep in though that I didn't hear the screaming behind me.

'HEY stop!!!thief!!!THIEF!!!'



Two high pitched screams of two girl and a grumpy old man voice filled my ears

'Out of the way!'


'What happend here!'.A policeman asks

'We did he go?'

'A boy came and stole my bread and some other things!'.The old man said

'A dirty boy stole my ornaments!'.A girl yells

'Mine too!'.The other said.

'Can one of you give us a discription of the boy?'.A police officer asks.

'How hard will it be to find a dirty boy with bread and jewelry with him!!'.The grumy man said.

'Uhhhh a boy that looked 9 years old,dirty clothes,brown hair with bread and jewelry'.A girl said.

'Look for the child'.A officer said and two policemen did a salute and went away.I turned away and continued my day.

'Misses and sir,there will be a chance we wont find the little boy and the stuff he stole.He probably eat it and sold the jewerly'.

'You better find the boy,I want my jewelry back!!'.One of the girls said.

'My dad has a higher position than you,he can make you and those other policemen jobless so find the boy!'.The second girl shover her pointy finger on the mans chest.

'Miss please calm down-'.The officer tried to say


Little time-skip,evening

I decide to return to my brothel because I was tired.I bought some things like jelewry,cleaning supplies ect.Policemen were still searching for the boy because of the threat the good for nothing bitchy brat said.Uhhh kids these days...............




Shit......I turned away and begin to walk fast.....he was here.......I passed a shop that had a glass bottle in it and saw my reflexion in it but not only mine.....

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