Chapter 4

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Chapter 4,Memories

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Now that's a mass murder for a 17 year girl


*(y/n)'s POV*


I walked to the main room of the brothel  with my hair covering my faces as I think.

It was dark

Not sunlight was shown



I keep walking with the whipp in my hands


Finally for the first time its quiet.........................

All of this....................................

All the blood..........................................

All the bodies................................................

Who knew a 17 year old girl can do all of this...........................

But I didn't had a choice...........

I was happy

I had a loving mom

A loving grandma

A not so good father

I was happy. The attention that should got form my father was till 7 year old,after that it went downhill. But they kept it quiet from me.

All that blood brought memories to me



My grandma always told me many fantasy stories, even at the age of seven I still wanted a bedtime story

'One more story gran-gran!'

'No, now sleep'


'Yes (n/n)?'

'What are those strange noises at night?'


My grandma just stared to me

'(n/n) listen to me, do you know why we always tell you to put wisteria near you and all windows and doors?'.

'Mommy told me its for safety'.


'But for what is the safety gran-gran'.

'Demons, man eating creatures that comes in the night.Looking for a prey to eat'.


'The 2 things demons can hurt is wisteria and the Sun'.

'So we put wisteria near doors and windows so they can't come to get us and for more protection near ourself?'

'Ding-ding-ding 10 points for (n/n)'. 

I giggeld

'Now sleep (n/n).You need to wake up early to greet mommy when she returns'.

'Yes gran-gran,goodnight'.

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