Chapter 27

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Chapter 27,blood experiment

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'Than its settled,Yushiro please show them their rooms'.Tamayo asks.

'Hai,miss Tamayo.This way'.Yushiro said as he led us to our rooms. We went on the second floor,mine and Itsuki's room were next to each other.

'Thank you Yushiro'.I said as I stepped in my room.

'Yeah Thank you,Yushito'.Itsuki said as he glared at Yushiro

'Why you disgusting failed creature!'.Yushiro said with 85 irk marks while Itsuki laughed.


Y/n's POV

I walked in the room that Yushiro led us.I hear Itsuki teasing Yushiro.When I didn't hear anything I opened my door and peaked my head out.

'Be nice to him Itsuki'.I said.

'Alright miss Y/n!'.Itsuki said from his room.

'That kid never grew up in his mind'.I muttered.

'I heard that'.He said,sticking his head out,looking at me.

'Good'.I laughed and closed the door.

'Miss Y/n luagh is beautiful'.Itsuki said.

'What was that?'.I said,opening the door fast,looking at him.

'Nothing miss Y/n'.Itsuki said,his sweat dropping.

'...'.I looked at him suspicious.

'...I am going to lay down,have a nice day miss Y/n'.Itsuki said,laughing a bit.

'You too'.I said,still sus about him but I close my door.He is right its day time now

'Phew'.Itsuki thought

I said on my bed and laid down,staring at the ceiling.....I'm bored

Most of the time I would walk around my places or go out int he city with Itsuki but he is tired and since I have Itsuki doing that alone is no fun.


I wonder how it Tanjiro and Nezuko is and thei parents and their newborn child from back then


And Kanao


Did Muzan did anything to them?


'Miss Y/n?'

I walked up the door and opened it and saw Yushiro.

'Miss Tamayo is asking for you,come with me'.He said turning away and begin to walk,I was about to following when Itsuki came out of the room.

'Lets go'.He said,in the corner of my eye I saw Yushiro's eye twitch while Itsuki smirked.I shook my head,not again.

'Follow me'.Yushiro said with venom in his words.

We followed Yushiro and went in a room were Tamayo was standing with glass tubes,animals were in cages too and aprons and some cupboards,she turned to us.

'Thank you for coming,Y/n I need you here'.She said softly.

'Coming'.I said walking to her,she handed a apron and gloves,I put them on.

'Boys you guys are free,do whatever you want.I just need Y/n here'.Tamayo said while I nodded

'Yes miss Tamayo'.Yushiro said.

'Hai,miss Y/n'.Itsuki said,I gave him a closed eye smile

'Be nice to him'..I said through the mindlink,kind of kind a threat.

Both of them went away.

'Well Y/n,I want to do some experiments with some blood and what it does to the body'..She said.

'Ohhhh sounds fun'.I said,smilling

'We are going to do blood examples on these animals'.She pointed to the animals that were in cages.

It was now day time but we kept going till it was around 10 am in the night.'Sometimes the boys came in but they quickly went away because they didn't want to disturb us.Eventually we came up with a antidote.First I dropped some of my blood in one of the animals.Surpirsing both me and Tamayo the animal truned into a big deformed creature.We injected the creature with the antidote and it was back to its normal form.

'I call this a succes'.I said wile I took of the bloody apron and gloves.

'Yes,you can say that'.Tamayo said,doing the same.

'Y/n,there is soemthing I want to ask you'.Tamayo said.

'What is it?'.I said,giving her my full attention.

'Can you and Itsuki go to a forest and try it out on a demon that maybe looks like a human,we tested on a animal but I want to be sure it works on demons who were humans.I think its the best if you do it since you and Itsuki can go in the sun'.She explained,giving me a box what had a empty injection and a little bottle with the antidote in it.

'Sure thing Tamayo,we will return.Make sure to keep the front door open for us'.I said.

'Hahaha,noted'.She said.

We begin to walk out of the room and to the room were we first sat when me and Itsuki came in.We walked in and saw Itsuki and Yushiro,Itsuki's arm was off while Yushiro's legs were off.

'Yushiro!'.Tamayo said and rushed to him.I walked to Itsuki who was sheeply smiling at me

'What happend?'.I said while I looked at his arm that was now missing.

'Well me and Yushiro were done with each other and he hit me 'softly' so thats when my arm was kicked off so I took a stand and hit his right leg but it went through his legs as you can see'.He explained,pointing at the dissapering lowerlegs of Yushiro that were on the other side of the room.

(A/n: if you watched Attack On Titan,it was the kick that Annie gave to Eren were his head fell off and the kick when she kicked his leg off)

'Oh wow,Yushiro,Tamayo I am so sorry for this,please forgive him'.I said,bowing and pushing Itsuki's head down to so he is also bowing.

'I am sorry miss Tamayo and Yushiro'.Itsuki said wth venom in Yushiro's name.

'Its okay,Yushiro has a habit of hating things very easily'.Tamayo said.

'I guess we kind of have the same problem,don't you think?'.I said to Itsuki.

'I don't have angry issues'.He defended himself.

'......really?'.I said.




Tamayo and I just laughed while Itsuki was rambeling for his defence for this and Yushiro had 100 irk marks and death glared at Itsuki,thinking about many ways of killing him.



A/n: heyy yallll!!!

First thing first I am sorry for not updating this book. The reason is because I made a fouten book, a naruto x reader. I hope I can update this soon since I have a book request from someone so I need to work on that too. I can't tell when I will update this sorryyyy.......

But please check my new book out❤

Second, if you have read my Yoriichi x reader...Thank you so much! The book hit 1K reads❤

Thank you all for reading this and uhmm bye✌

Lilo-Princess out

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