Chapter 7

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Chapter 7,New Life

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(y/n) made sure to block all the windows and door so no sunlight would enter.With that (y/n) tried out her new demon powers for hours till she was satisfied.


*Time-Skip 10 am Opening of the brothel

After the visited of the demon king himself I worked on my new life.I am now familiar with my body and my powers. Its pretty cool , I can let out different kinds of mist out of my body with different meanings. Heck I can even control them.

Anyways I cleaned up the mess and showerd.I still have my maid clothes on so nobody would suspect my being a demon now.

I stood near the doors that were open,waiting for them, I just need to wait.


There they are 

Waiting for the show.Little did they now that THEY were the show

When there were enough of them I closed the doors,locking it.

I used my demon power to jump 9 feeth in the air to stand on a lower pillar landing quietly and continue to jump till I was on the highest pillar in the borthel. This pillar also holds the stage so I have a perfect view of the ground.

Thats when it begon..

I fold my sleeves and released alot of mist.

My first expiriment was to control them


In my head I said:'stand up'

They all did

'Now go to different rooms and wait there'. I orderd.

They all went different directions and surprisingly they all knew were to go!

Selfnote :Test this out on different people who never knew this brothel, I want to see if they just listen to me and still know there surroundings.

I jumped down off the pillar and opend the door for the next group of men to enter and soon they did

Next experiment is to make poison mist

The room was filled again with men as the waited for a show.

Hehe this is fun I feel like getting al my anger out

Anyways I ordered one of the first group to go quietly to the door and close it.

Which he did....

I ordered him to go back and as soon as he did I let out poisoned mist

All the man breath it in and fell to the ground.


So soon!?!?!?


Hmmmm, I pouted

Again I ordered some to pick up the bodies and put it somewhere in a room.

NEXT Illusions......

Soon the third group came and waited for a show. I have now 2 men of the first group to open en close the door, 15 other mens of the first group to clean up bodies if needed.

I let out a Illusion mist and it just poofed into the air, after that al of the man begun to wonder if we changed the main hall, and saw other men as women.They al begin to touch each other.


I ordered  the third group now with the controlling mist as they joined the first group.

Now to make them feel sleepy and drowsy.

Again I waited for the room to be full, I let out mist and most of them were at the brink of falling asleep and barley stand.


Hypnosis now

Hypnosis was basically the same but it only works on people, while by controlling creatures I can use it on people and animals.

But it was also very cool.

Gosh I love my powers


I continue this for a long time. Living my best live treated like a queen,sitting on those rich sofa while testing different types of mist I can make on men. I was also planning to go to another brothel and to the same as I did here but just much more easier. I already have 2 other brothels in my hands so a third one was easy.


'Hehe, I have no regret making you a demon my spider lily' He smirked.


Somewhere in Japan

'Many men have been disappearing each night in different places, I think this is a job of a demon but we didn't get a report that contains blood in it'.

'I want you to check what the situation is.This isn't just a simple demon you will incounter'.

'Yes master'.

'Good luck on your mission.....'



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