Part 14

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Author's pov

V(With mixt emotions): she was supposed to be mine, but you were about to snatch her, how can I let you do it? especially after What you did! I gave you a chance when you asked me, Yet you failed!


V's pov

I was working when I received a  call from Aryan, He is my best friend, He invited me for lunch. 

V: Aryan, I have work! I can't come today!

Ar: Come on, dude! It's just lunch! I feel so bored here. 

V: Ok, I am coming, wait! 

Vansh arrived there and found the door opened, he pushed it: Aryan?? Where are you, man? 

He looked around and didn't find anyone: Weird, where did he go after inviting me? I am going to kill him for sure! Ufff His phone is switched off too. 

He left the house, sitting in his car, and drove. 

The evening

The police arrived to his mansion, and he frowned seeing them: Can I help you, Inspector? 

Ins: Mr.Raisinghania, You're under arrest for the murder Of  Aryan Khanna! 

V: excuse me? whatttttttt????? Aryan died? How? I talked with him just a few hours ago! 

Ins(handcuffing him): Someone saw you leaving the mansion at the time of his death! 

V: what nonsense! This is exactly why I don't like the officers, They always let the real criminal run and look for another prey, But I won't be your Prey here! I didn't kill anyone !!

Ins: Look Mr.Raisinghania, I don't know about your enmity with the police! All that matters to me is The witness's statement! Who said he saw you, Can You give proof of your whereabouts at that time? 

V(sarcastically): I didn't know that I will be a suspect or else I would have said hi to all the CCTV cameras on the way! 

Ins:  you don't have an alibi too, If you have something to prove that you weren't there, then we'll gladly look into the matter. Otherwise, I am really sorry! 

Vansh gave Angrey a look and he nodded his head not to worry, They took him to the cell.

After 2 hours

Angrey arrived there: I have evidence that proves he wasn't there at the moment of death. 

He showed them a video of him in a house, Having a strong alibi. 

Ins: But why didn't you mention it before? 

V(trying to calm down): Look Inspector, You know Raisinghania's power, I entered the jail for two hours that can cost you a very high price! So (Raising his eyebrow) 

Ins: We apologize for the mistake, MR. Vansh and You May Go! 

V: better to never repeat it again! 

He walked out of the police station with Angrey behind Boss, What was that? 

V(thinking): Someone is trying very hard to trap me, Thus He killed Aryan at the same time I was about to reach there! It means the killer was still there with him and I  stupidly let him behind to die! Damn !! 

Ang(perplexed): WHo can be this enemy? 

V: It can be anyone, Our work is dangerous, you know people can kill for a penny! 

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