Part 31

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Yes yeah I crossed 30 🤧, what to do!

Ps:guys, people who didn't vote on the previous chapters, please vote ❤!

Author's pov

N: don't talk about my mom, dad! It's impossible that they did it!

V: do you think I am in the right state of mind to throw undue allegations on people? I said not only yours, mine too!

Natasha was still unable to believe that her sweet parents can take someone's life !

: He is right !

Said dadi deciding finally to break her silence about the dirty secret of her family, Natasha shifted her gaze toward her !

D: ha Natasha, he is right! My son Ajay, your dad and Vyom's dad were partners, they started the company together! Vyom's dad was self-conscious unlike the others, he wanted to succeed but not by harming people! They were mixing dangerous items to make the products at a low price, of course, the added items were addictive but not able to be spotted easily! They succeed and the company started being expanded, Till it faced a big problem, There were a complaint against it ! A man did complain as he doubted them as his son started showing addiction symptoms Because of a product that he consumed!! Still, They proved that their products don't have any problems and Won the case! However Vyom's father met the man, Who narrated everything to him !

V: vyom's dad took a product to test it, as said before, it wasn't easy to spot it but he uncovered the whole truth about their products! It was indeed the truth! He faced his partners with the truth who tried fo convince him to not ruin all their efforts, but he refused and told them that they shall go in front of the Media and admit their mistakes whatever was the price! However they plotted to get rid of him! And killed him along with his wife! His son wasn't found with them!

This is our parents's truth! They were greedy and selfish to an extent that they killed their friend!

N: no I can't believe they can be this bad! This evil! No! Where did you get this rubbish from? Because I don't believe it! I won't believe it ever!

V: Maybe you don't know How my dad die? After his wife's death, He got sick with time, Closed his door, and did not allow anyone to approach him! In other words, He lost his mind (Dadi looked at him) I am sorry dadi! He started blabbering things about Vyom's father who wants to get revenge on him! Apologizing to inexisted person! talking with himself! His health deteriorated that he started narrating everything! (He paused) His death was announced before his actual date death!

N(in horror): WHAATTTTT????

V: Dadi was scared that He falls in trouble if he keeps repeating the same story therefore He was kept away from people till he died!

D: After his death, We searched and found out that Vyom's parents died with the same way Ajay described! Vansh met the expert and He confirmed everything thus for my Family's reputation, I requested him to never open the old memories!

Ans(hurt): WHat about me, dadi? wasn't I your grandson as well? Didn't I deserve to live with my family too? How could you be so unfair to me? Why you accepted him and not me?

D: You don't know anything! You really thought he came and found everything ready! and The family took him in their embrace? ARen't you too Naive?

Ans: WHat do you mean?

D: I mean you lived more peacefully than him! The Sindia family was taking care of you like their real son !

Ans: I wanted to live with my real family!

D: You mean You wanted your own Family's money! Sindias are middle-class that's why you don't like them right?

V: We don't have time for this argument dadi !!

Ans: I want to know why you?whyyy she picked you?

V: God damn it ! You have a death wish! I am trying to calm myself while looking at your bloody face that is unfortunately exactly the same as mine! But I guess you're going to make it hard for us right?

Ans(held his collar): My rights were snatched by you, what is harder than this? Tell me!

V(jerking his hands): to live with a father who hates you! With his wife who insults and taunts your mother! This is harder!

D(in anger): ha! The life you envy Vansh for was a living nightmare for him! He overcame it till his stepmother died but then he has a bigger responsibility to take care of! And wait a minute!you think he wanted the money? He was going to give you your rights once he clean everything! I guess it was his habit to give you the easy ways while he takes ghe hard ones! And if I am now not accepting you, it will be for your greedy nature that you inherited from your father!

Vansh walked away remembering his childhood memories!

N: Vansh

V: you carry on! I wanna stay alone!

He accessed Riddhima's room and held her hand : they opened the old wounds, Riddhima! Who'll heal them! Who'll stop the bleeding whilst you are not here!

(He held her hand and placed it on his heart! )
This broken heart dared to want you so much Riddhima after all the suffering I went through, I wanted you badly! I will find him and punish him sweetheart! He won't go away with it!

Riddhima, you always reminded me of my mother,she was like you, so naive and innocent! (Smiled) no, you are smarter! I am sure she would be so proud of her Bahu! Because you are a strong fighter and I am waiting here, don't dare to go without me! Riddhima,I wanted to be a good father, a great husband, unlike my Father! My poor mother ran due to fear and left us in the orphanage! But when she was about to die, she contacted dadi to take us with her, Ansh was lucky! But I wasn't! By the time, dadi came, Ansh was adopted by Sindias, and they moved from there! You know that I spent so many years here humiliated! Only dadi who genuinely loved me! My stepmother called me always a dirt! A mistake !a sin! An unwanted person in here! Therefore I decided to be wanted!

FB starts

16 years old vansh after his step mother's death

He went to see his father in his room!

A(angrily):what are you doing here??? Get out!!

V: ok dad, you don't want to hear who killed aunt!!

A:stop! Wait come here ! What did you see??

V: dad, someone played with the brakes!

A(fast): did you see him?how does he look?

V:yes I saw him! He was like (he roamed his eyes around the room then pointed in a direction,his dad turned )like that (thunderstrucj Ajay looked at Vansh's reflection ) yes dad! Me (He said before injecting Him )

This is the price for playing with my mother along with that wife of yours!

He kept giving him medicines that caused him a hallucination till he died!

FB ends

V:if my love for my mother can be like that, then how will be it for you? They'll not realize how many limits I will cross to take my revenge for you and our baby, love!(he kissed on her forehead) stay safe &wait for me!

He was gone knowingly that she moved slightly a finger!

I am good,I am bad

I am an angel or a devil

Who knows!

Me! Only me !


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130 votes=> bonus

I intended. Very long chap but I delayed it to to tomorrow, dears❤❤❤.
Guys, do you love the story?

Ps: if you want the new chap, do vote !only two or 3 chaps to go !

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