Part 21

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Author's pov

Angrey (to riddhima): we'll have a long conversation about it later! Now, let's see him! He needs care!

Vansh closed his eyes tightly then open it digesting where he was!The vision was still not clear due to the wound in his head!

In the meanwhile, Angrey's words echo repeatedly in her mind!

She was extremely dizzy but wanted to see Vansh and apologize to him! THere's one fact she understood that Vansh was hurt because of her ! 

She went to him and held his hand: Vansh! (He looked in her direction with head bandaged) I can't say sorry! it's not enough!I am not understanding anything! (She cried) What AM I going to do? what is happening in our life? Everything is more messed! 

Angrey signaled her to consider his state and she wiped her tears: I am sorry! 

V: Angrey? 

He gave him a questioning look and Angrey understood: Boss !! I told Babhi the whole truth! 

V:which truth?

Ang: about Ansh and your marriage!

V(angrily): WHYYY???? 

Ang: Boss, She was misunderstanding your intentions, and Thought that you wanted to (he stopped closing his eyes at the disgusting allegation)  share her with him! I feel disgusted even by saying it!  How can I shut my mouth after hearing those words? 

V(trying to control his anger) : You can not act on your own, Angrey! You have to take my permission Or Did you think that Your Boss is no more so you can do whatever you want? 

Riddhima felt guiltier to see him scolding Angrey who seems to be hurt due to his words! 

R: Vansh, It's not true  ! He was worr(He cuts her in between) 

V(hurt look): The woman who didn't trust me has no right to say anything to me! (to Angrey) This is your last mistake, Angrey! 

Angrey nodded his head, Vansh added: I want to go back home! I Hate the hospital, Finish all the procedures so That I get out of this place! 

Angrey obeyed his words so that he doesn't anger him more! 

R's pov

For the first time, I am seeing this look on his face, What Will Happen  If I tell him that I am pregnant? Will he be happy as before? Or (she shrugged the thoughts ) No no !! Vansh won't do that! we are in a serious situation and He won't behave this way! I should trust him at least now ! No matter what Happened before He is my husband and I am grateful that he saved me ! 

Moreover, one truth is that I loved Vansh who saved me, He was the first person who did something for me ! I loved Vansh whom I met for the first time! I loved Vansh who I married, He care for me more than himself! In shock state, I uttered hurtful words and broke his heart! I should have asked him ! 

Author's pov

R: Vansh!

 V: Riddhima, I don't want to hear anything! Please, Can you leave me alone? 

R(carried on her talk without giving head to what he said): Now I understand WHy you married me !  I know that I am wrong however try to think from my side, Won't you think that is a cheat? 

V: What you said ended everything, Riddhima! From now on, Our relation is finished! 

R(shocked): Vansh! 

Angrey stood dumbfounded: Boss! 

V: Angrey, This is my matter, Don't interfere in it! Let's go home! 

The journey back to the house was with mixed emotions, Riddhima was shocked beyond limits, Angrey was aware how much he loved her so he Understood his anger, and him! He had determined his last decision! 

Dadi hugged Vansh the moment she saw him, and asked him worriedly: Beta, Are yu ok? How did the accident occur? 

V: Don't worry, Dadi, I am fine! I am just feeling dizzy!!I want to go to my room! 

D(fast): Ha Riddhima  & Angrey take him, please! 

Before she moved to assist him he showed her his index: No need! I can walk by myself pretty well! I don't need anyone's help!

She looked sadly toward dadi who hugged her: It's just his anger, When he knows the good news, You'll see how happy he'll be! (pated her back) For your baby's sake, You shall be so strong and calm! 

Riddhima removed the tears and smiled at Dadi: Yes, You are right, Dadi!  I am the reason for his anger and I'll pacify him! 

D: that's like My Bahu, Now go to your angry man! He is definitely waiting for you! 

She nodded and walked behind him to the room where he was sitting holding his head!She held his hand : I am so wrong but I am scared too! I have been in hell with my uncle that I stopped trusting even myself! I fear the betrayal so muxh! But I am lucky! At least, god sent you to rescue me or else my life would have  become hell! I wanna thank you and apologize to you! Thank you for marrying me!

Thank you for giving me, my small family! (She took his hand and placed it on her stomach) our family!

He looked at her perplexed: means?

R: means that we are going to be parents soon! I ruined our days or else we'd have celebrated this moment!

He was silent for a long time making her keep looking at his reaction!

R: vansh, what's wrong? You aren't happy?

V: we can't! A baby with a broken relationship? We can't do that! Do you know what happened when people do that? Another Vansh and Ansh!

R: I am not getting you! (Thunderstruck) Do you want me to abort it????

He walked away leaving her behind to the washroom!

After a while, he came out and she brought him water!

R: Vansh, you need to take these medicines!

He took the medicine and looked at her: Riddhima, try to understand what I said

R(cutting him): water!

His hand hit the glass making hr pouring on him!

V: I am sorry!

Riddhima silently brought a towel and another shirt then handed them to him!

He opened his shirt and started drying his chest then wore his shirt!

V(eyed Riddhima ): listen to me!

R: dadi needs me, I am going to listen later!

She departed before he starts again!

: why did you call me here?

Riddhima looked at him: because the man who is inside is not my husband, he is not Vansh!

Angrey's eyes were out of stalk: Whatttt??

In the meanwhile, Natasha arrived to Aadvik's place: yes,you called me to show me something interesting! Here I am! What is it!

Aad: hahaha darling, when you see my surprise you are going to go mad with happiness! Here Presenting to you, your ultimate enemy !Vansh Raisinghania under your mercy!

He smirked removing the curtain only to reveal an unconscious handcuffed man!

N(to herself): Oh Noo!!


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