Part 7

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R's pov

He hugged me and was attacked instead of me, His eyes met mine while he was untying my hands and legs. The words he said had pained my heart, and the shock paralyzed me when he fell unconscious. I screamed his name terrified by the sight in front of my eyes.
R(screams): VANSHHHHH
Author's pov
Angrey whose attention was on the kidnapper turned to see his boss unconscious.
She said sobbing not able to get a grip on herself with the bloody scene.
He took him to the car and she followed him runningly, he is in that state because of her. She sat behind holding him and pressing the wound to stop the bleeding.
R: Vansh, please don't die, I am sorry, it's my fault.
He held her hand and opened his eyes weakly.
V: d..o..n..t c..r..y, I lo l..o..v..e y..yo..u.
R(cupping his face): keep your eyes open, please
His eyes were drifting closed automatically because of blood loss.
R(yelled at Angrey): drive faster, he is bleeding, damn it.
She didn't know where she got all the guts to shout at him and she didn't give a damn.
Unable to keep himself awake, Vansh lost his awareness of the world around him.
R: oh my god, (patting his cheek) Vansh! please whoever you are, hurry up, we are losing him.
Ang: we reached.
He ran to the hospital and shouted at them.
Ang: help here, he is injured.
The medical team rushed to him and started taking him.
Doc: move fast.
She jogged after them but the door closed on her face as they started checking the vital signs.
Angrey approached her looking pitifully at her.
Ang: babhi, he will be fine.
R: no, it's all due to me, I wanted just to go away, I didn't want him to die because of me.
Ang: he won't die, Boss is not that vulnerable, he is a fighter. Keep belief in him.
The minutes passed as ages, she was feeling sinful that she pushed him to his end.
R: God, Save him, I am indebted to him, protect him the way he did with me. he committed a crime but it doesn't mean that he has to die.
She was folding her hands and praying silently for his safety.
Time passed

The doctor came and she breathes stopped anticipating the worse news ever.
D: the stab was slightly deep, it will require treatment and follow-up care to heal. Luckily, his vital organs weren't damaged.
R: Can I see him, please?
D: yes, sure. But don't pressure the patient.
R: thank you, doctor.
Angrey and Riddhima walked inside the room.
Ang: Boss, how are you feeling?
V: like a man was stabbed in the shoulder.
Ang: I guess that means you are fine.
V(chuckled): of course, I am not a weak person, my death won't come so soon.
R(mumbled): and even in this state.
She stood not knowing what she should say. Angrey understood her situation.
Ang: Babhi was worried.
She glared at him for giving such a statement.
V(raising his eyebrow): were you?
R: a bit.
He chuckled more, and she was wondering whether he was in his senses. who laughs after being almost stabbed to death, of course not a normal person.
Ang: I will go outside to know the updates about the kidnapper.
V(the soft expressions were gone and he clutched his fists): dig up the ground and find him, I want him in front of me by the time I will be discharged from here.
Ang: I will do the best I can.
He walked out and Vansh eyed his wife, his sweetheart for whom he was ready to die.
V: why?
R(perplexed): why what?
V: why didn't you take advantage of my injury and ran again?
She was speechless because she didn't consider this option, all what was occupied her mind is to keep him alive.
V: you hate me but still you don't want me dead? Interesting, very interesting, sweetheart.
R: why did you do that? Why haven't you tell me the truth?
V: because I love you & I'll never let someone pain you.
R: I don't get it, how did you love me? I can't understand anything!
V: you won't, I was ready to give up my love for your happiness but luckily on the right moment I've realized that it was foolishness to think that way. now, I will never leave you.
R: what kind of puddle is it! At least tell me the reason why? How? I saw the video of you shooting him?
V:  it will better if you forget it, I am your present & your future. And I don't like my wife thinking of another man but me.
R: why did you kill him?
V:! !!!!

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