Part 20

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Author's pov

Riddhima's heartbeats were increased due to fear! she didn't understand what is going on in her life but she couldn't help but pray that nothing happens to him!

In the hospital, the doctor was checking him! While Riddhima did not utter a word all that she did was crying! Angrey who was aware of what happened, he pulled her away from dadi who was broken!

Ang: Are you happy now? Can't you see yourself babhi! All you could do Mistrusting him while he keeps all his trust jn you! He treats you as if his world is you! And you could not give him one dropplet of trust? You are so lucky because he loves you or else the woman who causes him this pain, she wouldn't have  been away of his life only, but also her own life! (Exhaled furiously) you did that because he had hid the fact about Ansh, right?  Let me tell you the truth that he didn't say I guess or else instead of being upset and accused him! You would have been pleading him to forgive you!

R(shivering): what truth! (Snapped back) the truth is he sent his brother to me!

Ang: my upbringing stops me from raising my hand on a woman or else I swear whoever would daredt to say that, I would have killed him! He did not send you his brother! Back then, boss was accused falsely of the murder od his friend, Aryan! Someone planned it so that he gets trapped! An unknown enemy! And Boss was seen there at the time of murder therefore we had no other way to save him thus we needed Ansh!

R: Ansh?

Ang: his twin brother! They found each other one year ago after separation of many years! Since their childhood!

R: why no one knows about him?

Ang: because Boss didn't want Vansh to be trapped in problems too! So he never discloses this matter with anyone! But sometimes he was proved helpful! (He stopped for a moment then exclaimed) when he was acting as Vansh!

although she got a hint that they did it, she was shocked to hear that!

Ang: you met Ansh and misunderstood him to be Vansh, the man who saved you, right?

R(thunderstruck): back then,I thought he forgot about me! 

FB starts
R's pov
I was trying to find a job as My uncle said he doesn't want me to study anymore, How much I hope if only Mr. saviour saved me from him as well, and then I spotted a very familiar figure, he was laughing with his friend, I guess as if he is the happiest man on the earth. my legs move on their own to him.
R: hello
He looked at me as if trying to digest what I want from him.
R: not fair, vansh, I thought at least we are friends now.
V: Sorry, Ms?

FB Ends

R: But the truth was

Ang: that he didn't know you because he wasn't Vansh!

R: Oh God! (She massaged her face) then I was seeing his brother Ansh as Vansh??

Ang: yes, it wasn't allowed to tell anyone about the secret, and Ansh kept pretending till Vansh came back and figured out about your marriage!

R: and why Ansh didn't tell them after that?

Ang: Ansh asked Boss for a favor in exchange of all times he helped him!

R: what type of favors?

Ang: he wanted to be Vansh for a longer period!(pausd to form correct words) Till he marries you!

R(eyes out of the stalk): WHATT????

FB starts

Angrey called Vansh after seeing Ansh WithRiddhima! 

Ang: Boss, Do you remember the girl that you told me to look for every detail about her ! 

V: You mean Riddhima? (worriedly) What happened to her? Is She fine? Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on her till I come back! 

Ang: SHe is actually working in your company! 

V: VR groups? How? it's a great Idea why didn't I think of it ! But Who appointed her? 

Ang: Your Brother, Boss! 

V: He deserves a reward for that ! I'll give it to him once I come back! 

Ang: He appointed her and 

V: ANd? 

Ang: He is dating her! 

Suddenly, There were only silence from his side,  Angreu for a moment thought that he ended the call but his voice proved him wrong!

V: I am coming!

He said and hanged up!

As Vansh said, he arrived as soon as he could to confirm what Angrey said about Ansh!

Ansh came inside the office singing happily only to frown when he saw someone sitting in his chair : hey! How dares you sit in Vansh raisinghania's chair?

: But you are not vansh, forgot it?

Vansh said as he twirled the chair coming face to face with Ansh!

An(smiled): vansh you came! I thought it will take time for you to come back!

V(raising his eyebrow): why?  what are you doing with Vansh Raisinghania's name?

An(tensed): nothing!

V(angrily stood up): then what the hell are you doing with Riddhima??? How dare you? I gave you a work to do not to have fun especially with Riddhima!

An: calm down! We love each other we are not playing!

V:love? What you name it love I call it "cheat"!and i won't support you in that! (To himself) especially when it concerns Riddhima! 

Ans: really? When did you support me anyway? I have always supported you! Saved you multiple times still you can't even support me till we get married? I won't love as Vansh forever! But you know what? You are looking down at me because you are the vansh Raisinghanja while I am just Ansh who doesn't belong to such a powerful family!

V: what rubbish

An(cutting him): it's the truth that's why you wanted to my existence a secret!

V: it's not f*** true!

Ans: then prove it! Can you do that for me?

Ansh asked Vansh, No literally pleaded him to stay silent, and Vansh couldn't refuse.

V: Don't do anything wrong! I will support you.

M: Thank you!! I won't even think about it!

Vansh nodded his head and quietly listened to what he wanted him to do.

Fb ends

R: WHAttt??

Ang: Boss has two reasons to refuse, the first because it was wrong

R: wait wait! If Vansh agreed since the beginning,why did he marry me?

Ang: let me tell you The second reason why boss rejected is that he loved you immensely! And about your question's answer is Because he caught Ansh cheating on you before your wedding day!

Riddhima received the statement as a slap in the meanwhile the doctor came out announcing that he is awake!


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Again if you reach  (130) before time,I will write the next one ❤❤❤.

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