Chapter 53

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Shu Jintian felt guilty when she looked at her nest with her head pitifully looking at her little snake. Find the softest little animal skin, spread on a shell, as their nest.

Shu Jintian placed the nest on the edge of their bed, sighed in a low voice, and looked up at Shu Hanyu to explain, "Okay, Han Yu, you put them in."

Thinking of Shu Hanyu's rudeness towards the snakes, Shu Jintian didn't have a good airway, "Han Yu, you lighten up, don't be so rude, they are your children, even pets don't bring such kicks,"

Shu Hanyu snorted softly with a blank expression and strode to the snake, staring at the snakes with warning at an angle that Shu Jintian could not see.

A nest of young snakes with thick and thin fingers shook at once, trembling down on the raised head, and shrunk. More than a dozen green little spirit snakes were tightly clumped together by themselves. They could not tell which body they were from, and some of them could not even find their own bodies. It makes people worry that they will not be tied in a knot.

Shu Hanyu looked at the responses of the young snakes and was satisfied. Reaching out to pick up the baby snake on the ground, he turned around and had changed his expression. Shu Hanyu smiled tenderly at Shu Jintian and put the baby snake in his hand into the snake nest that Shu Jintian had just made.

"Okay, they are well-maintained and don't have to worry about it every day. You should also go into bed and warm up. You can see that you are shivering." Shu Hanyu hugged Shu Jintian heartily and put him in bed to help take off the weight Fur coat.

"Well, what about you, don't you come in?" Shu Jintian asked Shu Hanyu as she didn't seem to mean to come in. After taking off his clothes, Shu Jintian shivered coldly and quickly wrapped the quilt.

Shu Hanyu knelt on the bed, kissed Shu Jintian's head and kissed his warm lips, softly said: "No. I just went out and found some delicious food while you were asleep. Now I'll do it for you. You must be hungry too Well, it will be fine soon. "

"Well, good!" Shu Jintian whispered. Looking at Shu Han Yu Chi's naked body, Shu Jintian shivered and felt that his body was colder.

Shu Jintian worried: "Snowy weather, are you cold? Or should you wear a dress and go out!"

Shu Hanyu smiled happily. Sure enough, Tiantian still cares most about him. Those little snakes won't take away Tiantian's attention.

Shu Hanyu's slightly cool head flicked on Shu Jintian's forehead, appeasing: "It's okay, I've always been like this, and I'm used to it."


Also, serpents are beasts, not humans. But isn't the snake going to hibernate in winter? I do n’t know if the snake will? Shu Hanyu usually kept her eyes closed and rested in bed. Shu Jintian thought he was asleep, but every time he moved, Shu Hanyu would open his eyes again. I really don't know if he slept.

"Han Yu, will you hibernate in winter? Hibernation is to stay asleep until the sky is warm." Shu Jintian asked curiously.

"I used to be alone, there were few prey in winter, and I was sleepy. I would sleep for a long time before I came out to eat a meal. But now with you, I have to support my family. I will not hibernate, otherwise what do I eat every day? Shu Hanyu laughed, every day he was afraid that he would fall asleep, would he be hungry?

Shu Jintian moved slightly, watching Shu Hanyu answering him casually but seriously, suddenly feeling sore in his heart.

"Why didn't you tell me that I didn't know you were sleepy. Come in and sleep now, I don't have to hatch eggs now, I can cook and eat by myself."

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