The Pit

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Hermione's P.O.V.

After watching Percy's memories it really seemed to make everyone unsettled. I tried approaching Annabeth and Percy, but they had been completely focused on each other Instead, I sat with Thalia and Draco and we talked quietly. Well, Thalia listened and distractedly picked at the hem of her robe. Nico sat talking with Snape and Luna occasionally pointing at us or the other two. Harry, Ron, and Ginny sat on the ground and were trying to digest what they had just watched. To my surprise, Ginny seemed to be taking it all rather well and was explaining and trying to cover up what just happened. Suddenly an ear-piercing scream broke the quiet chatter. Everyone turned to where the noise had come from and it turned out it was Annabeth who had spotted a spider. I jerked back and went as far away from the spider as I could. Annabeth seemed to get the same idea and we ended up meeting each other at a far corner of the classroom. Harry and Ron looked at me weirdly since I had shown no fear of spiders before. They weren't wrong, Hecate had put a spell on me that pushed my fear of spiders away, but when the other demigods came the magic had gone away so now, I was back to terrified-of-spiders-Hermione.

Nico bolted to the wall and got a broom. He used it to swat the spider and led it to a window. Once the spider was let out Annabeth let out a shaky sigh. Percy ran a hand through his streaked hair and watched Annabeth carefully as she absent-mindedly touched her streak. Percy went over to Annabeth and embraced her. She stood stiffly and didn't move until Percy kissed her gently. I watched as he comforted her and whispered soothing words into her ear. She seemed to be comforting him as well by rubbing his back and squeezing his shoulder rhythmically. Thalia and Nico rejoined me and Draco, but this time they were talking to each other softly. They threw concerned glances at Percy and Annabeth and threw unreadable glances at Harry and Ron. Ginny stood up and walked over to me. Her red hair curling slightly from the dampness of the classroom. Draco regarded her with a nod and rested his head on my shoulder. I patted a chair next to mine and gestured for Ginny to sit down. She obliged and faced me with a grim expression.

"The things we saw, did they really happen?" she asked me quietly. Before I could answer Draco cut in.

"Everything, Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico tell you is true" he stated bluntly before closing his eyes. Ginny looked surprised at his outburst but didn't say anything. A clap drew my attention away from the conversation. Snape stood wearing a grim expression of his own.

"All of you return to your dorms," he said finally before exiting the room. Everyone stood up and glanced at each other. Harry, Ron, and Ginny left the room with one last glance back at us. The room was quiet for a few minutes before luna broke the silence.

"I'm so sorry Annabeth," she said softly, her dreamy voice was unusually hardened. Annabeth looked up and her eyes although red and puffy were stormy gray. She didn't do anything for a few seconds.

"Thanks, Luna," she said finally. Luna smiled warmly. "Hermione, do you think we should tell Harry and Ron the truth," she said to me, suddenly. I shrugged.

"I mean, I've been lying to them for quite some time and it would be rather awkward having to explain myself to them" I admitted. Annabeth took my words in. She turned to Thalia and Nico who matched her gaze with one evenly determined. "It's your choice I suppose" I added. Annabeth shook her head.

"They're your friends, not ours" she stated and sighed. "We need to help them, you know, the wizards. They remain so dependent on their wands and don't know what to do if they didn't have it" she said. I nodded along with everyone. We all agreed that we'd tell them soon, but for now, we decided to just keep it a secret. We parted our separate ways and headed to the dorm rooms. I walked to the Gryffindor common room and thought that it was weird, not having to go to classes. I loved it here in Hogwarts, but I was beginning to wonder why we couldn't have stayed at home.

Percy's P.O.V.

After we said goodnight to everyone the four of us walked back to our dorms. I had my arm around Annabeth's shoulders and she talked with THalia. Nico just walked quietly next to me deep in thought. I was honestly terrified. I tried not showing it because I really didn't want to worry Annabeth, but the fact that she would fall down there made me terrified.

When we reached our dorms Thalia claimed she was going to shower first so the three of us just talked. Well, Nico listened. We told him about our earlier quests and about Tartarus since he was the only one who understood. He honestly was hurt more than he let on and it scared me not knowing how much Nico was really showing through his pain. I closed my eyes and felt Annabeth's warmth radiating from her body. Annabeth pulled the cover-up and grabbed a book from the side table. She leaned on my shoulder and began to read. I watched her grey eyes dart back and forth as she turned pages little by little. I leaned against the headboard of the bed and thought about the days to some. Thalia quietly slipped out of the bathroom after a few minutes and plopped onto the bed next to Nico's. We all talked except Annabeth who read silently. Finally, we all were exhausted so we went to bed. I clutched Annabeth closely to my chest and listened to her heartbeat as I drifted into darkness.

When we woke up the next morning we headed for the Grand Hall. Everyone was there by the time we arrived so we chose a spot next to Mione and the others. I gripped Annabeth's hand as we conversed with the others and talked about what we were going to do. All of us decided to hang out here for a while and soon enough it was just Thalia, Nico, Annabeth, Hermione, Ginny, Harry, Luna, Ron, Flynn and Snape. We talked and chatted. I honestly call myself a demigod, but I should have seen the cracks.

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