Off we go to Pig Pimples er... I mean Hogwarts

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---Time skip do the morning of Percy and his cousin's departure-------(cause I'm lazy )---------------------

Annabeth's POV

I honestly couldn't believe Percy was leaving. I mean he doesn't have a choice but still why couldn't I go too? 

But this morning we spent the whole morning together we had been sad at first and of course, we're still sad, but he'd have to go anyways. Besides, I could ask Chiron or Lady Hecate if I could visit. The day when the quest was set I had cried for hours about getting separated from Percy. Both Percy and I suffer from really severe PTSD and separation anxiety. At camp, were inseparable and even get to eat at the same table. I asked Chiron if we could share the same cabin to try and soothe the nightmares but of course, mom took it completely the wrong way and forbid it.

"Wise girl, you ok?"Seaweed brain asks.

Ughh so many things. The whole quest is wrong! But, I had to be strong so I said "Nothing just worried about all the nightmares," I say and bury my head into his chest. We were currently at the beach Percy's favorite spot it was slowly becoming mine too.

"I am going to miss you so much Wise girl," he says sadly. "I just hope that you can come to visit sometime," Percy says.

I lifted my head up and I leaned towards him and kissed him, not a long deep kiss but more of a come back to me and you'll get more kinda kiss.

"Ahem lovebirds, sorry but Hecate's at the big house wanting to talk to Percy"

I whirl around standing and putting my hand on my dagger Percy holds riptide and we relax after seeing that it's just Thalia. The hunters and Nico came back for the quest. It's great seeing Nico happy with a certain *Cough*Will*cough* Apollo kid. I missed Thals soo much and we have been catching up these past few days.

"Ok, Hecate wants to see me?" Percy asks.

"Yup," Thalia says popping the p.

Percy glanced at me and we did this thing where we can communicate with our eyes. Since t-tar-tar, "that place" we have been closer than ever and we have practically become one person. That's why I'm so anxious about Percy's departure.

Our eye conversation went like this: (Percy bold) (Annabeth italic)

"You'll be ok right?"

"Yea I'll be fine but make sure not to leave without seeing me first kay?"

"Of course wise girl I love you."

"Love you too, now go Hecate's waiting," I said then kissed him and went to talk to a bemused-looking Thalia. Percy sprinted towards the big house looking back at me to see if I was ok.

"So how are you doing Annie?" Thalia asks, looking concerned.

"I'm doing ok I'm just really going to miss him. I am also worried about our nightmares, we haven't been separated since "that place" I shiver as the memories haunt me.

"You really got affected because of Tartarus huh?" Thalia says looking sad.

I snapped when she said that word it brought memories of things that happened down there I started screaming and Thalia looked startled.

--Author's Note------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hope you enjoy it. What's going to happen next?

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