The final step

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Thalia's P.O.V. 

TW-Self harm, eating disorders, post traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and OCD

Percy and Nico sat with me as we planned the most dangerous part of our mission. Actually going down the pit. 

Nico was telling us about how Gaea had kidnapped him and led him into a prison in the pit. He didn't know the way, but from travelling volenterly, he gathered information. Percy's face grew dark when Nico mentioned that he'd been going to Tartarus at camp. 

"So if you travelled there, why can't we all go down the same way?" I asked. Nico shook his head.

"I had help, from troglodytes" he answered. I paled and groaned.

"I'm definitely not using your way" I stated. Percy was quiet and expressionless. 

"I can't really describe being down there," Nico said glumly. "it's different from what Percy and Annabeth saw," he told me. "I saw it alive, moving and breathing. Annabeth and Percy saw it as a place and only saw it as I did for a short while" he explained. 

"It's a good thing too, I traveled there for a couple of days, kidnapped shortly after entering and they stayed for probably a couple of months" Nico said. 

"You went to Tartarus by yourself? Again?" Percy asked. It was the first thing he had said since the beginning of this conversation and he didn't look too happy about it. Nico nodded.

"I heard voices" he admitted. That seeded to get Percy concerned. 

"Will told me that you were talking to Mr. D" he questioned. Nico nodded again. 

"He was trying to help me, you know, being the god of madness and all" Nico shrugged. Percy said nothing for a few minutes. 

"How many times did you go down?" he asked, staring at Nico in the eye. Nico hesitated.

"A couple of times, only for short periods of time," he said quickly. "I got medically diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder after Jason's death" he whispered. My eyes watered. Percy's face softened and he hugged Nico.

"I'm so sorry Nico, I-I-I should've been there for you" Percy blurted out. Nico shook his head.

"It's not your fault, you stayed there for months Perce," he protested. "Besides, I'm never going down there after this mission" he promised. Percy glared at him. 

"Why didn't you tell me, I could've helped you?" he asked. Nico shook his head again.

"I needed to do it alone, the voices were calling" he whispered. Percy hugged him tightly. 

"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone had PTSD by now," I admitted sadly. Percy looked down at the floor. 

"I mean, I have separation anxiety, C-PTSD, anger management, and Annabeth has OCD, C-PTSD, separation anxiety, extreme arachnophobia" Percy mumbles. Nico nods in agreement.

"Will tells me that I have C-PTSD, depression, social anxiety and he told me that you, me, and Annabeth probably have Schizophrenia too" Nico adds.

"Not to mention, I've got trust issues, C-PTSD, acrophobia, I mean what's wrong with us?" I sigh in exhaustion. Nico shrugs. 

"Were teenagers, barely in college and we have mental health that nobody expects" Nico mutters. 

"You know, a few years ago, I had suicidal thoughts" Percy confesses quietly. Nico and I snap our heads at him.

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