Percabeth Separates once again

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Percy's POV

It had been a few minutes of Annabeth and I huddled on the floor whispering and soothing each other. In the living room Thalia and Nico plus Hermione and Severus were tryin to explain things without giving our Demigod life away. They didn't talk about my PTSD or anything they just said it was a panic attack thing that happened rarely. I really did hope they bought the lie other wise the secret would be out.

Meanwhile I was just enjoying Wise Girls company and trying not to think of the horrors of sleeping without having Annabeth to talk to and comfort me from a dream.

--Time Skip-------

Annabeth just told me that she had to return to camp so all the Demigods and the mortals said good bye.

"I'm going to miss you so much Wise Girl" I exclaimed.

'I'll miss you too but remember, you can always call or IM when you need a friend or someone to talk to kay?" Annabeth asks

"Sure, I love you so much" I say then I kissed her and it was one of those thing where you feel as tho the one thing grounding you in life is being torn apart from you but, you had to stay strong for them. That's how it felt every time Annabeth was away from me.

"Bye guys, thank you Molly for letting me stay for a bit I really appreciated it." Annabeth says then glancing at me she mouths I love You.

Then, she dissapeared with Nico back to camp. A second later Nico came back and asked what time dinner was going to be served. Molly had said about 2 hours.

My cousins and I decided to go up to see our sleeping arrangements. But we didn't know where to go so we asked Mione and her friends.

"Mione where are our bedrooms?" I asked eagar to see all my stuff again.

"Oh the boys and I will take you three there won't we?" Hermione asks the two boys.

"Sure Hermione whatever you want" Harry replies.

So the 6 of us went to the 2nd floor and it turns out i'll be sleeping with Harry, Ron and Nico. Pinecone Face is seeping with a girl named Ginny and Mione too.

I asked Harry who Ginny was and he replied saying she was his girlfriend and also Ron's sister.

Nico and I went into the bedrooms and we saw our trunks and we also saw on top of them were these cages with an owl for Nico and a Calico Cat that looked just like Little Bob. I named the cat Little Bob and Nico named his owl Bianca.

I took time to set my bed area up. There was a little desk that I put pictures of Annabeth and I, the 7, Zoe's constellation and also me with dad and Tyson. I then dug out a framed photo of My mom, Paul and Myself at the bottom of the trunk. I looked over and saw Nico's looking Similar to mine but there were pictures of Bianca and Hazel too.

Just then Harry and Ron came in and looked at my pictures.

"Who are they?" Ron asked.

"There my friends from a summer camp I go to" I say pointing to the seven.

"That's my Mom and my step dad." I say pointing to the one of my family.

"That's my father and my brother." Pointing to the one with dad and Tyson.

"That's my friend Zoe, and her constellation." I say with a smile remembering Zoe.

"That's cool" Harry says.

"Oh before I forget to tell you." I start saying "If Nico or I start screaming in the middle of the night just call Thalia or Nico and don't touch me." I say in a warning tone.

They both nod and while looking puzzled walk out of the room to Thalia's room.

I got ready to head down to dinner and then chatted with Nico for a bit.

----AUTHOR'S NOTE----------------------------------------------------

How's the story so far? All the right's belong to Rick Riordan And JK Rowling. I think I might do a HP characters POV next.

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