Harry Potty!!

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Percy's POV

After seeing Snape and Hermione I was so happy.

Then we tuned around because someone had said "How do you know Snape?". It was a boy who looked like me but less intimidating and with Emerald green eyes instead of Sea Green.

" Who are you?" I say. Alarmed as if I should know, he looks at Ron.

"Bloody H*ll" ron exclaims

As the words come out I felt memories coming back to me and start shaking.

"Annabeth!" I started shouting over and over again.

"This is why we should have brought Annabeth along" I hear Nico mutter. All the noise sounded as if it was far away.

"Perce snap out of it please" Thalia begged witnessing two flashbacks in one day she started tearing up.

"Percy, Percy please" Nico pleads.

"Whats happening?" Hermione says shocked.

"He's having a flashback" Thalia explained her voice hoarse.

"He and Annabeth went to the pit and came out live" she says.

I hear Mione intake a gasp and she comes over to me.

"Percy can you hear me?" she asks calmly.

"Annabeth no come back!" I yell. Visions of her start coming surfacing.

"Quick someone make a IM to Annabeth!!" Nico shouts, panicking.

"Ok Nico I have spare Drachmas with me" Hermione says reaching into her pocket.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering, show me Annabeth Chase at CHB" Hermione says dropping the coin.

"Hello?" I hear her voice was like music to my ears but I still couldn't stop screaming and shaking.

"Annabeth it's Hermione Percy's having a flashback " Hermione says talking fast.

"Hermione?" Annabeth sys then seemed to remember Percy's situation. "Oh bring Percy closer to me" Annabeth instructs. Next thing I know i'm being dragged by Thalia and Nico to the IM.

"Seaweed Brain can you hear me?" She says. Her voice was helping me but I needed to feel her to hold her. The touch of a soulmate was like touching the best thing on earth even for a second.

"Annabeth stay where you are Iill Shadow Travel to you" Nico says.

Then I felt a chill over my body. The next thing I know is that Nico's back and so is Annabeth.

"Seaweed Brain" she says rushing over to me.

"Annabeth get me out please!" I beg.

"Shhh Seaweed brain it's Ok" she says in a calming soothing tone.

She rubs circle on my back while i'm sobbing into her chest muttering about my vision an how much I loved her.

"I love you Seaweed Brain you're Ok and we're together forever now."

--AUTHOR'S NOTE------------------

Hope you are enjoying the story so far. Did you like the Percabeth scene i am going to cry when Annabeth goes back to camp. Wep see ya later.

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