We break-in and enter using a Thanatos cloak

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Hermione's P.O.V.

Our plan was ridiculous.

Sneaking into the headmistresses office was one thing, but going at night, that's a whole other scenario.

Percy and Nico were talking with Harry asking him about the different passages we could take while I explain to the others about the different things we'd run into while we made our way like Filch and ghosts. Percy sat down against the leg of a sofa in the Room of Requirement. His head was tilted and you could see his adam's apple bobbing as he breathed.

I worried about him, Nico too, they both endured so much that it was unfair that they needed any more pain. Nico suddenly staggered over to the couch before collapsing onto Percy. Percy's expression was calm but I could see the panic in Thalia's eyes.

Percy reached into his pocket and force-fed Nico a bit of ambrosia and checked his pulse. Nico lay limp and pale, well paler than before. He was curled up in Percy's lap, but his expression was pained and ancient. Percy's eyes softened as he watched his cousin.

"He must've been exhausted" Thalia breathed out as she sat down next to Nico's legs. Both of them made sure not to touch him, except Percy's legs because Nico was currently passed out on top of them.

"Is he alright?" Ron asked staring at Nico. He didn't really look that worried, but there was some minor concern etched onto his face. Thalia nodded.

"He's just tired," she said. Nico stirred and bolted upright. Percy looked at each of us as if he was warning us not to make sudden movements.

"Nico?" Thalia said gently. Nico nodded groggily.

"You're with us, Percy and Thalia" Percy said softly. Nico nodded again, but his eyes were panicked.

"Where-" he started before he was cut off by Luna.

"Erm, guys," she said nervously. We all turned to her. Luna was hanging. from the ceiling shadows wrapped around her ankle.

"Nico, that's Luna, she's your friend," Percy said calmly.

"Luna, Percy, Thalia, Mione, Pit... Oh yeah, I remember now" he said almost sadly. Percy looked at him with the same look of sadness. Nico hugged Percy tightly and squeezed his eyes shut.

"They never do go away do they?" he asks shakily. Everyone in the room, including Thalia was shocked that Nico was acting like this. The tough, somewhat creepy, and guarded boy looked so vulnerable and small. Percy shook his head.

"I'm so sorry Neeks," he says softly in his ear so low that the others in the back couldn't hear. Thalia moved next to Percy.

"I'll take everyone back" she whispered. Percy nodded. Thalia turned to us.

"Hermione, you need to get everyone in on the plan and IM me later alright?" she asked me. I nodded before she gestured for us to leave the room. I went to Ginny and we talked in hushed whispers.

Percy's P.O.V.

Nico sat next to me, shaking.

"How do you do it?" he asks me. I shook my head and shrugged.

"It's hard, I can't even imagine going through it alone Nico," I said giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. I heard footsteps tread down the hallway and looked up as Thalia came back to us. She looked at us sadly.

"I don't want to ask much, but can you tell me what it's like?" she said hesitantly. Nico and I shared a look. The three of us had internally agreed to never keep secrets, but The Pit was something Annabeth, Nico and I had kept to ourselves. It wasn't fair on Thalia, who helped us all with our nightmares, but had no clue what had really happened.

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