The rescue mission

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Percy's P.O.V

I ran over to Nico. He was crouched over a trapdoor of some sort.

"It goes deep" he whispers. I squeezed his shoulder and took a deep breath.

"We're really doing this?" I whispered to him. He hesitates, but only for a second, and nods.

"For Annabeth" he declares. I nod.

"For Annabeth" I responded. Thalia catches up to us and the others are right behind her.

"Quick" she states.

"Painless" Nico and I respond. She squeezes both of our hands before Nico pulls open the trapdoor. Clarisse comes up to me.

"Do we know where to go?" she asks. I shake my head.

"No, but we're going to get to it" I declared. "You guys ready," I ask everyone. Everyone nods.

"Okay, there's a room and a stairway that leads into another room of some sort" Nico explains. I nod.

"Maybe there's an entrance down there?" Thalia questions. I put my hand on the floor and drop down without a second thought. I fall for a few seconds and land on the ground.

"It's safe, I see the stairs" I yell up. Nico drops down next to me, landing with a roll. He stands and we wait for the others. Thalia comes down next, she grunts as she lands, her boots thudding the ground.

"Clarisse, you should go last, just in case" I yell. She responds with an alright and Luna come's down next. Her blonde hair flies behind her as she drops. Flynn comes down next. He lands in a roll as well. Hermione jumps down and stumbles, but Flynn catches her. Harry comes down, landing on his hands and toes. He groans.

"Blimey, that hurts, how did you guys do it?" he asks in wonderment.

"That's nothing compared to the fall you're going to witness" I warn. Ginny comes down next She lands as Thalia did. I guess she must've taught her how to fall. Thalia grins and hugs Ginny.

"Go down, you idiot" I hear Clarisse grumble. I hear Ron protest. Clarisse sighs and the next thing I know, Ron's tumbling down. He lands on his back. He groans.

"Ughh, why'd you do that!" he shouts to Clarisse. She comes down, rolling for impact, and bolts up.

"You were taking too long" she merely states before turning to me. I look at every one. Clarisse, Thalia, and Hermione packed small backpacks while Harry and Ron packed in bigger backpacks. Flynn didn't pack anything because his stuff was with Hermione's. Luna had a small handbag strapped to her shoulder. Nico and I had brought squares of ambrosia and nectar, but that was it.

"Good, you guys wore shoes" Nico states. Ron looked at him like he had grown two heads. Then Ron looked down at our feet. Nico and I had chosen not to wear shoes.

"The pain serves as a reminder of what we went through, the floor feels like broken shards of glass" I respond to the unspoken question everyone wanted an answer to. In truth, shoes would've been nice, but they were heavy and wouldn't last the whole way through.

Clarisse, Nico, and I wore camp half-blood T-shirts. Nico wore his version of course, but we wore the orange version. Thalia wore a white tank top with a graphic I didn't know. She wore a silver parka on top.

Thalia had on silver camo pants and Clarisse wore short khaki pants. Nico wore black ripped jeans and I wore blue jeans. Hermione wore a t-shirt and a lightweight raincoat with leggings. Luna wore blue leggings and a t-shirt with a long, light-pink jacket. Flynn dressed similarly to me except his jeans were darker and he had a black shirt on. Harry and Ron wore their uniform.

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