Old Friends and New ones??

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Thalia's POV

I can't believe that I caused Annie to have a flashback i'm supposed to be one of her best friends, like a big sister and now both she and Percy probably hate me. I stayed in my cabin alone since Jason. I was thinking about my sisters and Lady Artemis. I had some sad thoughts about Lieutenant Zoe too.

Nico then came in without knocking and said that we had to leave. I packed my things in a duffle bag since Hecate had already put our trunks at the residence we we're staying at. I really didn't want to see Percy, he probably was going to ignore me through out the quest.

I sighed and headed towards the beach.

"Hey Pinecone face" Nico says.

" Sup Death breath" I say snickering.

We started talking about random things and then Percy ran up to us.

He looked in my direction so I looked at my feet trying not to cry. Not even meeting his eyes I could swear that he was looking at me anxiously.

Nico shadow traveled us to the residence.

*Time skip*

We we're at a house that look like it would fall over at any second!! It was probably magic and Annabeth would probably be blabbing about the architecture. I glanced over at my cousins who we're probably thinking the exact same thing.

"Umm ok what now?" Percy asks.

"I think we go in." Nico suggests.

We walk over in perfect synch to the door. As we approached we could hear loud noises. I felt Percy tense. Ever since Tartarus he has been having flashbacks when hearing loud noises. At camp we all are cautious around both him and Annabeth as to not scare them. Hearing them scream hurts everyone especially, myself and Nico.

I put a hand on Percy's arm, he looks at me and smiles slightly but I can see the weariness  in his eyes. Nico walks forward and knocks on the door. We lean a bit closer to the entrance and hear the noise quieting down.

The door creaks open and Percy winces. Nico looks at the woman who opened the door. She was a plumped woman, short and she looked firm but kind too.

"Hello dears I'm Molly Weasley" she says with a wave.

"Hi i'm Thalia this is Dea- I mean Nico and Percy." I say.

Percy snickers and Nico rolls his eyes.

" You must be the Exchange Students?" Molly says.

"Yup we're from America and I think we're meant to stay at your place" Percy says talking confidently.

"Well come on in then" Molly says gesturing us towards the hall way inside.

We walked into this hallway and there we're a ton of people sitting at a table.

At the head of the table there was a man who looked to be maybe in his 40's or 50's. Next to him were a pair of identical twins, while looking at them I got reminded of the Stoll brothers. Then there was an older man who had a strange Aura around him, because of the hunt I could sense these things so could Percy since he's really powerful. Next to them were were three kids maybe about the same age as us. There was a boy who looked like a less buff and less scary version of Percy. There was a boy with red hair who was unmistakably the twins younger brother holding hands with Hermione!!!

I let out a gasp. Percy follows my gaze and grins widely. "Hermione!!" Nico, Percy and I yell.

Hermione looks up in surprise and lets out a squeak of surprise. "Percy,Thalia and Nico?" She says in disbelief. The she jumps up from the table letting go of the boy's hand and runs over to hug Percy. You see she's a daughter of Athena who disappeared about 7 years ago. She was Annabeth's favorite sibling so, naturally she, Annabeth and Percy spent a lot of time together and Percy was like an older brother to her.

"Hey Mione, miss me?!!" Percy said grinning like a mad man.

"Percy it's really you!!" she hugs him tighter and turns to me letting go of Percy she runs up to me " Thals!!" she says hugging me.

She then goes to Nico "Hey Neeks" she says "Hey Mione" Nico says and then startling Hermione he hugs her. During Nico's time at camp he spent time with Hermione telling her about coping with the fact that one of your parents weren't actually your parents.

"Ahem" we hear someone clear their throat and we all look up Percy like me were grabbing either riptide, in pen form, mind you or for me it was my bracelet. Once we saw it was the red head from earlier we relaxed.

"Who are they Hermione?" He asks.

" Oh right eer Ron meet Percy, Thalia and Nico" she points to the three of us in turn. "Guys meet Ron, my boyfriend" she said for some reason with distaste that only the three of us noticed, at these words Percy's eyes darkened.

"Your what?" he says.

"ummm Percy this is Ron my boyfri-" Hermione was saying.

"I heard you but i'm digesting the news" Percy interrupts her by saying.

"Percy I trust him and he's been my friend for over 10 years" Mione explains.

"Hermione you know how I am about trusting people" Percy says analyzing Ron. I could see Nico doing the same thing.

Percy and Nico cared for Hermione and Percy's fatal flaw is Loyalty and he has difficulty, even more since Tartarus about trusting people. Nico has grown a soft spot for Mione and loves her like a younger sister so, when is Ron guy appears into there younger sisters life they can't help but be over-protective.

"So you're a friend of Hermione then?" Ron asks.

"Ohh right Ron, these guys are my cousins" Hermione explains.

Percy then gasps. We look at where he's pointing and my jaw drops.

There standing in front of the doorway was "Severus Snape!!" we all yell both with angry and also happiness. Snape, like Hermione had disappeared but he had done it a while ago before any of us were born but he had come to camp in the summer. Then, he suddenly stoped coming like 5 years ago.

"Oh you're so dead you βλάκας" Percy yells. He then runs to him and gives him a hug.

"Sevvy I missed you!!" I yell and run up to him and give him a long hug.

"Hey Severus" Nico says then walks up to hi and punches him hard in the bicep.

Snape winces then says "I missed you guys to but I definitely didn't miss that" he says rubbing his arm.

"How do you guys know Snape?" we turn and see the boy, mini Percy.

"Who are you?" Percy says.

--------------AUTHOR'S NOTE---------------------

Hope you enjoyed. There will be more surprises at Hogwarts. Whew that was a long chapter 1138 words.

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