Breakfast trauma

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Percy's POV

After seeing Harry ad Ron storm off I doubled over in laughter. Thalia caught and and we were heaving with laughter.

"I--can't believe.... did you see their faces!!" Thalia says gasping for breath. 

"I know right!"  Hermione says, she too was grinning.

After a few moments our laughter died down and we headed towards the house for some breakfast.

When we entered the room everyone was there eating heaps of food. 

Molly came over to us greeting us and ushering us into seats. 

"When did you wake up dears?" she asks Hermione and Ginny.

"We woke up when Percy had his nightmare and we were awake since" Hermione admits.

"Oh my, well that an awful long time" Ms. Weasley says fumbling with ginny's hair.

"I suppose you lot are tired then?" Tonks says holding Remus's hand.

"Not really we've stayed up longer." Nico says getting bacon onto his plate.

"Really how long have you stayed up for then?" Ron says with a mouth full of bread.

"I bet it's just a day or two" Harry says ignorantly.

"Actually i've stayed up for 2 months" I say proving them wrong.

After that statement everyone's (except the people who already new) jaws drop.

"2 bloody months?" Sirius says. "What for?" he asks.

I tensed. Not because I didn't trust my new housemates but because I didn't know what they'd think of me.

"You all know Annabeth right?" I say.

"The hot blonde?" Ron says. 

Hermione gasps and I hear her sigh. Probably thinking oh no Ron's screwed but I don't care.

What happened next was sorta unexpected, to the wizards anyway.

I growled an inhuman sort of growl. No one called my Wise Girl hot and got away with it.

"You're screwed" Nico states grinning.

I lunged at Ron but, Thalia had a grip on me.

"Let go!!" I shout reaching for Riptide.

"Percy calm down!" Thalia says.

My vision went cloudy and red.

"Perce what if Ron was Zoe?" Thalia says. 

As soon as I heard the Former Huntress's name I froze. Thalia knew that if a deceased friend of mine was mentioned I would snap out of any trance I was in because of my Fatal Flaw. The grief usually overwhelmed me and I ended up sobbing for a while as if all of the death's of my friends was on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Perce" Thalia says hugging me.

I sobbed my head in my hands. Muttering Selina, Beckendorf, Zoe, Luke, Bob, Bianca and so many other dead friends that had died because of me. I kept muttering over and over again all of their deaths playing on repeat.

I screamed a loud scream. Filled with agony, grief, hate and frustration. I tried getting my self out of Thalia's grip but she had latched on tightly. 

"I'm so sorry Percy you know it had to be done." Nico says tears sliding down his cheeks. He kneeled next to me and put a hand on me shoulder.

Thalia on the other hand was hugging me sobbing because she knew the risks of saying the names of my friends. She apologized over and over again. I held her but inside I had gone limp.

The other wizards and Demigods stared at the scene unfolding in front of them.

"What the bloody H*ll was that!!" Ron exclaims. 

"Upstairs now" Hermione growled at them. Ginny followed her up the stairs with the boys following Hermione as well.

"Percy are you al right dear?" Molly says stepping forward.

Snape blocks her and grabs her wrist.

"Leave him alone. He needs time and you talking, walking or doing anything in contact with him will get him screaming for Annabeth." he says gesturing the adults to sit down and wait.

"Why can the 2 of them comfort him then?" Sirius says confused.

'Thalia and Nico have been with Percy since the beginning and they have gone through many things together." Snape explains.

"Who's Annabeth and why's she so special to Percy?" Remus says curiously.

"Young love?" Tonks says in a teasing voice.

I felt Nico rise from next to me walking towards the adults. Thalia still clung onto me whispered soothing things while evening her breaths.

"Percy and Annabeth's relationship isn't something to joke about." Nico says flatly.

"Well then answer my question Mr. Di Angelo." Remus says.

Nico snarled then said "Percy and Annabeth have something called PTSD and also separation Anxiety. The two of them had been reluctant to separate. They were forced to by a powerful being." Nico Explains.

"PTSD isn't that something only people who have witnessed terrible things can have?" said Moody who had been strangely quiet until now.

After hearing Moody I get Thalia to release me and shakily get onto my feet. I walk towards them.

"Yes Moody that's true." I say coldly. 

"Annabeth and I went in and out of literal hell together. Not even powerful beings can go in and come out alive but, we did it." Percy says shivering thinking of "that place".

"So you guys are what, soulmates?" Tonks says.

"Sorta I guess. Annabeth and I have a hard time sleeping and we can pull off many days without sleep if we want to. We also don't separate." I say emphasizing the word "don't".

"So then why are you and you cousins here?" Arthur says.

"Well we've been sent here because we had to help the wizards cope with war." Thalia says now beside me.

"Oh ok then" Tonks says unsure.

"C'mon guys let's go to Mione" Thalia says.

We nod and make our way upstairs.

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