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Hermione's P.O.V.

After the little confrontation earlier I left with Ginny and we headed to the library. Normally Ginny wouldn't have followed along, but she decided that a little reading could be good. She was very interested on learning about the other greek myths and so, I led her to one section of the library that I hadn't gone.

"So, this is the Myth's section?" Ginny mused. She fingered the spines and traced her finger across the shelves. I nodded. My eyes scanned the room for something that could do her some good. I looked or some classic tales like Hercules, the gods, Kronos and Hades and Persephone. I found an old copy of the Greek gods and picked it for Ginny. I handed it to her and smiled.

"Be careful, knowing too much isn't always good" I said. I suppose it came out darker than I anticipated because Ginny was eyeing it wearily. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that, it's fine" I reassure. I pushed it into her arms. She glanced at me then opened the book. 

"Ms. Granger" a voice whispered. I turn around. Professor Pince, the librarian stood behind me. I smiled at her.

Yes?" I replied.

"Headmistress is expecting you in her office, you as well Ms. Weasley," she said kindly. I nodded and thanked her. Ginny checked out the cook and hurried with me to the Headmistress' office.

We said the password that the librarian gave us and quickly rushed up the steps. I knocked on the door and heard a faint 'enter'.

"Ms. Granger, Ms. Weasley" Prof-I mean Headmistress McGonagall greeted. She gestured to the chairs. I saw everyone else here too. Percy was leaning against a wall near a window, scowling. Nico and Thalia stood next to him, the same angry expressions on their faces. Flynn and Luna sat in two of the chairs. Flynn waved me over and I quickly took a seat next to him. Harry and Ron sat against the wall in two matching chairs. 

"Well, I suppose you all are wondering why I called you here?" Headmistress McGonagall questioned. We all nodded. "Well, I got word from Mr. Potter that you are hoping to speak to Albus," she said, the name rolled off her tongue sadly. We all nodded again, I glanced at Harry. He caught me staring and shrugged helplessly. 

"How many of you need to speak to him?" The Headmistress asked. Percy stood straight. 

"Me, Thalia, Nico, and Harry," he said. Harry sat still, his mouth open. I protested. 

"Percy, we all get to help don't we?" I asked. He hesitated and glanced at Nico. He nodded.

"You guys are all going to help, but I only need my cousins and Harry to talk to him" he explained. I nodded slowly.

"Right, child, do you mind telling me why you are searching for him?" the Headmistress asked Nico. Nico's eyes darkened. 

"I'm not a child, I wasn't since I was 8" he growled out. the headmistress looked taken aback. 

"You are still a child dear, now please answer the question," she said gently. Nico's hand clenched into fists. 

"I told you I am not a child," he said in a low voice, pronouncing each word. He glared at her and I felt the air grow cold. Percy and Thalia watched their cousin but made no attempt to stop him.  

"Child please, just answer the question," the Headmistress said. I could tell her patience was thinning. Nico snarled and I felt the room dim slightly. 

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