Break ups??

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Ron's POV

Ughh I hate that Percy Jackson guy. 

I can't believe he took Hermione from me  like umm hello? Who does he think he is. I've been apart of a war before!! (Haha if only you knew Ron)

Well anyway since we've been kicked out of our bedroom because Percy had a nightmare Harry and I went into Ginny's room and chatted. I bet you, he had some nightmare about someone eating his last cookie or something. Like he couldn't have gone through anything I have.

"Harry?" I hear ginny say.

"Huh... oh what sorry" I hear him say.

"It's ok mate Ginny was just saying how she thinks that the newcomers are so bloody nice" I say in a bad Ginny impression.

He laugh and receive a glare from Ginny. Harry kissed her, just a quick peck and her glare softens.

Hermione then enters the room with tears him her eyes.

"Hermione what's wrong?" I say. If the new mates hurt Hermione they'll pay for it I thought.

"It's Percy" she exclaims. Ginny rushes to her.

"What about him Hermione?" she asks gently.

"He's so broken and scarred it hurts to see him like this." she says " He used to be so carefree and wild always hanging out with Annabeth. Now he's always tense and he's clearly miserable without Annie here." she says tears running down her face.

I felt something that I had only felt once: when Hermione was dancing with Victor Krum at the Yule Ball. Jealousy. Of course he was her cousin but she cared about him so much and she hasn't been this sad about her best friends not to mention her own boyfriend.

"Why do you care about him so much!!" I exclaimed. I didn't think about what I was going to do I simply bloody snapped. I froze because of the look of horror that crossed Hermione's face. She glared at me.

"Care about him so much?!" she says with disbelief. 

"He's my cousin, he took care of me and he treats me like his own little sister.!!" She exclaims.

"He's dating my half sister and he never minds when I hangout with them and when I ask to train with him, he is the most loyal person I know Ronald!!" she says.

"Every time he looks at my sister I long for you to look at me like that!" she says clearly not stopping anytime soon.

"I always think to myself, no it would be impossible for anyone to love anyone that deeply!" she says, tears were streaming hard down her face. Harry and Ginny looked at me both differently. Ginny with disgust and Harry just looked confused. 

I sighed "I-"

"Percy Jackson is the best person in this world he would save his life to save Annabeth and any of his friends!" she says as if I hadn't spoken.

"He fell into literal hell for my sister, and  I now know you wouldn't do the same." she says coldly then she storms out.

Ginny rushes to follow her and before leaving she says "I hop you're happy now Ronald" then she runs after Hermione.

"What the bloody h*ll was that mate!!" he says shocked.

"I dunno Harry, I snapped" I say. I wanted to apologize but instead I went to my bed and fell into a deep sleep.

---AUTHOR'S NOTE--------------------------

Hi. The character's don't belong to me they belong to Rick Riordan and J.k. Rowling. Sorry it's so short.

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