First Class, I didnt get expelled,but i might

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Percy's P.O.V.

"Decided to grace us with your presence," Moody says, sarcastically. I glared at him. Thalia smirked, crossing her arms. Nico just sighed and leaned on the doorframe.

"We just woke up," Thalia said. I stared at the class. I saw Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Flynn, Luna, Ron, but that's everyone I knew. Two boys stood up and looked at Thalia. I looked at Thalia as she stared at them with distaste.

One of the boys had dark skin and dark hair to match while the other boy had pale skin and copper brownish hair.

"Mr. Finnagin, Mr. Thomas, sit down," Mad-Eye said to the two boys. The dark-skinned boy sat down quickly whilst his friend just stood staring at Thalia. Thalia started to look angry, like angry. I moved in front of her, to protect the other students, not her. I glared at the boy with my least intimidating. Nico crossed his arms and glared at him. Thalia looked amused but still tense. The boy finally sat down but continued to gape at Thalia. Thalia snarled and put her hand on her shoulder, reaching for her weapon. Thank goodness for the mist otherwise, I'm not so sure what would've happened. I steered Thalia to an empty seat and sat next to her. Nico pulled a chair over and sat with us.

We stared at Mad-Eye Moody. Nico looked annoyed.

"Well? You gonna tell us why we're here?" He demanded. The others looked at him shocked while Moody just smirked.

"You are here because we will be demonstrating a few curses. More specifically unforgettable curses" Moody said, with a grin I definitely didn't like. "Let's start with Crucio," Moody said. A few of the students gasped and protested, but nonetheless Moody pointed his wand at a spider. I glanced at Thalia. We both wondered what the curse was. Nico might've known, if he did, he didn't show it. Moody yelled at Crucio and directed it at the spider.

The spider jerked at moved in unnatural movements. Nico and I knew immediately that it was getting tortured. Hermione's eyes widened as she started backward blinded by fear. I ran over to her, trying to control my breathing, and hugged her. She whimpered and shook her head. The spider moved jerkily towards Hermione and me I. Hermione screamed and screamed over and over again. Crying, begging for it to go away. I hugged her and held her head. Crouched down, against the wall I soothed her as I would to Annabeth. The name flared anger in me and I glanced at Thalia and Nico. Thalia looked furious while Nico just stared at the spider, pale.

"Enough!" Thalia screamed. She grabbed the nearest textbook and squashed the spider. She directed her gaze steely towards Moody. Moody's face was unnaturally bright for someone who had just cause this to happen. The other students were frozen still, terrified.

Moody stood taller. "If you disapprove of this, what about I try something else?" He said with a sly grin. I faced him. He lifted his wand, and what do you know, he directed it at an owl outside. The owl squawked and flapped frantically before seizing onto the ground. I whimpered. Ever since Tartarus, torturing and harming things around me has made me scared. He looked at me in disbelief. LIke he couldn't believe I was whimpering over a dead owl. He turned to me, his wand out, and shot a spell at me. I didn't have any time to move because Hermione was in the way and I didn't want to hurt her so I got hit. I felt the spell hit my chest. For a minute nothing happens, but then I felt it. It was like getting triggered into a flashback but being stuck there. I saw Annabeth in Tartarus and a monster looming over her. I saw and watched, paralyzed and wasn't able to save her. I saw the monster's claws sink into her. I screamed and yelled her name.

"Annabeth!" I screamed. It was the loudest I ever yelled. I was dimly aware that Thalia and Nico were near me, yelling my name.

Nico's P.O.V.

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