Training Sessions

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Clarisse's P.O.V

I got paired up with Percy to help train Harry and Hermione. I found it strange since I used a spear, but Percy insisted that I work with him. I watched as Harry practiced swinging the sword.

"So, you're Harry?" I asked as he swung his sword like a maniac. He nodded. "What makes you important?" I asked. He stopped swinging his sword and looked at me.

"What do you mean?" he asked. I crossed my arms.

"You carry yourself like you've seen the whole world burn down," I said, cooly. He shrugged.

"I mean, I have been in a war, and been on a quest" he boasted. I rolled my eyes.

"I've survived two wars, and have been on quests and I'm one of the few people who managed to go to a mortal college as a demigod" I sneered. Harry looked surprised. I raised an eyebrow.

"You did all that?" he said, in disbelief. I growled.

"What that supposed to mean?" I snarled at him. I saw Prissy's face snap towards me and I saw the other watching.

"Well, I mean, It's pretty impressive for a girl to have done all that," he said "Like the other girls here have been counterparts for the war, but It was me who finished the job".

I growled again and started towards him. I saw Prissy run towards me. I brandished my spear and let the lightning crackle.

This Harry boy was a sexist jerk, plenty of girls have saved the world, and maybe the witches didn't fight here or something, but that gave him no right to talk about a woman like that.

Percy put a hand on my shoulder and effectively pinned me to the floor.

"Let me go, Prissy" I snarled at him. Percy had this unreadably look on his face, it made me stop. "This sexist jerk thinks that females can't do anything, I want to show him that girls can fight" I glared, anger in my eyes.

"He doesn't know what he's talking about" Percy stated, with a murderous glare towards Harry.

"He better not," I said, in a low voice. Harry glared at Prissy and protested.

"I wouldn't," Nico said, walking towards him. "Clarisse may not be a child of a big tree, but she's nearly as powerful". I glared at him.

"I don't need your help" I muttered but nodded at him.

"Anyway, Clarisse is going to teach you, so you'd better not say anything or you're going to have a tough time" Percy warned.

Harry groaned. "Why can't you teach me?" he protested.

"Because I'm going to work with Nico on how we're going to survive in the pit" he responded, calmly.

"So, I'm stuck teaching Miss Princess' sister and a sexist jerk?" I exclaimed, "Great just my luck". Percy looked at me, shooting an apology at me.

"C'mon Nico, let's get planning," he said, his voice turning serious. I groaned and turned to Harry and Hermione.

"Well, let's get to work then," I grunted, crossing my arms. "Glasses boy, has Prissy taught you how to fight?". He shook his head.

"Fine, then fight Miss Princess Junior" I instructed, jerking my head towards Hermione.

"What!" he exclaimed. "But, I barely know how to fight!".

"So, this will help you" I stated like it was obvious. "Now FIght" I glared. Hary sighed before taking something he thought was a stance. Hermione got into a proper stance and started after him with her dagger. They fought like beginners, Hermione was alright, but Harry focused too much on strength and had no idea what he was doing.

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