Using the word fine is a jinx

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Percy's P.O.V.

It turns out that Thalia was wrong, it wasn't fine.

First of all, when we got back to the dorm, there was a teacher waiting there.

Second, she wasn't alone.

Finally, there were about five other ministry guys bordering the Headmistress. So yeah, Thalia you couldn't have been more wrong.

When we got there we immediately noticed the other people in the room so we had our hands on our weapons. Thalia groaned and rolled her eyes. Electricity sparked around her body.

"So, I'm going to take a guess and say that the message we gave the Minister wasn't enough?" Thalia said cooly. I nodded.

"Guess so,"

"What do you want?" Nico asked, cutting right to the point. We glared at the wizards. They faltered but stood their ground. I gotta give it to them, they were pretty brave for withstanding our glares.

The man in the middle cleared his throat.

" The Prime minister has requested for the three of you as well as Mr. and Ms. Weasley, Ms. Granger, Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Lovegood, and Mr. Potter"

We looked at each other.

"Who's Mr. Malfoy?" Thalia asked, frowning.

"Mr. Draco Malfoy" the man emphasized on the word Draco. You could practically see the laughter in our eyes.

"His name's Flynn Holt" Thalia laughed out. I chuckled and Nico cracked a smirk. The MInistry guys looked confused.

"Ms. Grace, please try and retain yourself," The headmistress said, but I swore she was smiling. Thalia nodded, her face serious again.

"And what if we say no?" Nico asked, warningly. The ministry guys narrowed their eyes at us, we were unfazed.

"If you say no, your friends will uphold the trial without your help and could find themselves in very deep waters," a man on the side of the room said. I clenched my hands.

"No one touches my family" I growled. Nico and Thalia watched carefully, shifting into defensive positions.

Nico put his hand over my wrist, restraining me.

"It's up to you Mr. Jackson, your friends will be leaving in a few minutes. If you choose not to go, then you can say your farewells to your friends" the man in the middle said. I snarled and tugged my hand out of Nico's grip. I lunged and pinned the man to the ground, judo flipping him.

"My family doesn't follow anyone's rules, especially your kind. Don't touch my family or else you'll" I snarled out before Nico decided to interfere.

"Percy enough!" he yelled. I looked at him and glared. He glared back. "Let him go," he said in a low voice. "Now" he urged. I hesitantly released the man and stood up. I walked back to Nico and leaned against the wall. Thalia and Nico looked at me before turning to the minister. All of the ministry men looked at me in shock.

"I apologize for our cousin, but he's not wrong," Thalia said slowly. "We aren't obligated to follow your rules" she glared. "but, we'll do it," she said quickly. Nico and I protested.

"Thalia no," Nico said. At the same time, I said "we have to look for her, not waste our time on this".

Thalia looked at us.

"This will get them off our backs, giving us a chance to look for her freely," she said. I glared at her and the ministry men. Nico crossed his arms.

"What do we have to do?" he asked the Ministry guys.

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