A mad Percy

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Annabeth's POV

I held Percy shocked that he would even say that. I absentmindedly reassured him as we had done so much this past year. 

I was aware of Thalia, Nico and Hermione watching us but I honestly didn't care.

"I love you Percy. You'll never scare me again" i promised.

He sobbed with his head in my lap. I rubbed his back and soothed him.

"I almost killed him" he says whispering.

Percy you hardly touched him. He'll be fine, besides he deserved it." I say stating and frowning.

He sighed and sat upright. 

I kissed him, telling him everything was OK.

"Please Annabeth can you stay?" Percy says pleading.

"I'll ask Chiron OK?" I say kissing him on the nose.

I hear someone walking behind us. I felt Percy tense. 

"You guys ready to go down?" Nico says.

I look at Percy putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. I could tell he was ready but still a bit mad because I heard the familiar rhythm of is heartbeat that I had so many times fallen asleep too.

"Yea let's go" Percy says weakly.

I smiled a small smile that brightened Percy's eyes.

------Time Skip-----------------------------------------------------------------------

We walked down the banister Percy's arm protectively around my waist. 

Nico and Thalia chatted behind us. Hermione going down the stairs quickly walking over to Ginny without even sparing a glance at Ron.

Everyone stops talking and looks at us concerned.

"Are you guys OK?" Snape says looking at Percy.

"We're fine" I say weakly.

Percy leads me to an empty seat and gestures for me to sit down. I rolled my eyes chuckling at how overprotective he is.

"What happed dears?" Molly asks worried.

"Ronald tried to assault Hermione." Thalia says glaring at him.

Molly looks at her son disappointed. 

"Ronald I expected better from you." Arthur scolds his son from the table.

"Are you OK Hermione?" Tonks says putting a hand on Hermione's shoulder. 

I saw my sister recoil and walk over to Percy and I.

Percy stops leaning on my chair and opens his arms for Hermione to hug him. She gratefully excepts and sighs from Percy's hug. I stand up and hug her too. 

"If anyone hurts you again you'll have 50 angry hunters after whoever the idiot is" I say smiling.

She grins. I glance at Tonks who looks hurt. Remus next to her glares slightly at Hermione. 

Percy catches this and snarled at Remus after releasing Hermione. 

"Don't look at her like that" He says.

"Well she should have been nicer to Tonks" Remus says.

"Remus stop it's fine." Tonks says trying to coax her husband to calm down.

"No Tonks it's not You were trying to comfort Hermione but she recoiled!" he exclaims.

"Since when does she recoil at touch? She's acting like Perseus." He says glaring in our direction.

Percabeth at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now