Fours better than 2 right?

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The rights belong to Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling

Annabeth's POV



"Where are you?!"

"Why'd you leave me?!??" I yelled flinging my arms out.

"Wise Girl?!?" Percy storms into the cabin with a worried expression.

"Percy!!" I scream not able to see him.

I then bolt away waking up from my nightmare. Probably waking the whole cabin.

"Wise Girl" Percy says visibly relaxing as I calm down. People we're staring but only for a second cause this wasn't an unusual occurrence.

"Oh Percy it was that dream I always have you leaving me behind" I say tears threatening to fall.

"Shhh it's ok, we're out and alive together" Percy says soothing me, moving close to the bed so that we we were sitting next to each other.

"I love you" Percy says it's barley above a whisper since the other Athena kids were just about going back to sleep. Though I could swear that Malcom was staring at us.

"I love you more than words can describe Seaweed Brain" I say moving closer so that I snuggling under the blanket in an upright position.

We sat in comfortable silence listening to my half sibling snore quietly and hearing birds chirping near camp's borders.

Suddenly, Chiron burst into the cabin not loudly but definitely loud enough to wake a few of my siblings. " Percy, Annabeth i'm so sorry to inform you at this time but it's urgent so, call a meeting at the big house for the 7 and head cabin counselors."

Percy who had sat up all the way said "is everything OK Chiron?" glancing at the old mentor in a anxious way.

"Percy let's go wake the others up for a meeting" I say knowing that Chiron would explain it all in a few minutes.

"Thank you children i'll be waiting for you at the big house" Chiron says before exiting the cabin and shutting the door quietly.

"Let's go Wise Girl" Percy says standing up.

Nodding I get up and hands interlocked we head off to the other cabins.

--Author's note-----------------------

Kay peeps that's a wrap for chapter 1. How is it?

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