Goodbyes and Pig pimples

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Percy's P.O.V.

After our little incident, Annabeth and I went into the house along with everyone else to eat some food. Annabeth-not that I minded- stuck to me like glue. She kept shivering and closing her eyes muttering to herself.

Curiosity got the best of me and while we were eating I opened my mouth to ask her what was wrong but before I could get my question out, Annabeth let out an antagonizing scream. The wizards, startled stared at Annabeth who now clutched her head and gripped my hand so hard her knuckles were white.

I was by her side in an instant and the other Demigods at her side in seconds. 

"Wise Girl? What's Wrong?" I asked. I felt terrible right now mentally and physically. I should have asked her what was wrong earlier and I felt pain, actual physical pain because she was in pain.

"Percy!" she exclaimed while she gasped in pain trying to breathe.

Nico stood up and I felt the room dim and instantly Solace was there with Nico.

Will ran to her and asked what was wrong but, I couldn't answer because I was watching Annabeth as she clutched and puled at her hair that was now undone and tangled.

Seeing as I wasn't going to answer, Will was about to put a hand on her but I snarled at him.

"Don't touch her!" I said, leaning and putting my arm around her protectively.

"Perce, Will's only trying to help" said Nico and I felt arms around me. 

I tense and screamed "Let Go!!" but to my disappointment the pair of arms didn't leave me.

Thalia then spoke up from behind me, "I'm so sorry Percy".

I felt a sharp pain that reminded me of a dagger going through me, grazing the tip of my arm.

I felt weak and tried to call out Annabeth's name but I couldn't open my mouth.

I felt the arms letting me go and saw the edges of my vision turn black slowly. My arms now along with the rest of my body was numb and then I passed out. I prayed before my brain could fully rest. Praying too Hypnos to give me a nightmare free sleep.

----Time Skip to When Percy's Waking Up-------------

I screamed and reached out towards Annabeth.

"Percy don't leave me!"

"Percy, Percy, Percy!!!" I hear but it was quiet and closer to me and unlike before it wasn't muffled against the sounds of Tar-That place.

I gasp and snap my eyes open.

I instantly sat up and my eyes darted around the room looking for Annabeth.

I didn't see her and I was back in my bedroom in the Burrow with a few anxious Demigods staring at me but still, no Annabeth.

"Annabeth?" I ask to no one in particular

I looked toward my cousins. Thalia hugged me and started to cry. Nico was holding Will's hand tears around the brim of his eye.

"Where is she?" I repeated myself but more harshly.

"She left Percy" Will said.

"What do you mean left?" I say in a deadly calm voice.

"She went back to camp because she said that it would be better if you didn't have to say goodbye a third time." Nico says.

"I'm sorry Kelp head. We tried to get her to stay but she insisted." Thalia says letting me go and looking at me.

my eyes blazed and I swear I saw the other wizards take a step back.

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