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Hermione's POV

I was soo happy to see Percy, Thalia and Neeks again. Though i think Ron was jealous of how I hugged Percy and how they call me Mione. I can't believe Percy fell into the pit!! For my sister Annabeth too. They are the best couple ever but Thalia told me how it really affected them and changed them a bit too. She said that we all had to be cautious around him and be careful what we do and what we say. She says he gets jumpy more easily and he has nightmares and flashbacks frequently too. I learned that Annabeth is how he is kept sane and Thalia had told me that he had been devastated to leave Annabeth. And like poor Nico. Going into the pit by himself only if it was just for a few days.

I did feel bad about lying to Ron and Harry but I had done it for ages and I couldn't stop now.

Percy and the others are going to be psyched when they see others at Hogwarts!

We were all eating dinner and I noticed Percy just moving his food around and he hadn't ate a single bite. Thalia and Nico looked at their cousin in concern and tried to get him to eat but he wouldn't. He had said it felt wrong eating without Annabeth next to him. Nico and Thalia sight in defeat but they shared glances every now and then. I noticed as they tried getting Percy to eat, that Nic had also only touched a bit of his food.

Mr. Weasley was asking Nico questions about Mortals I mean Muggles and random objects. Nico looked really uncomfortable and I giggled.

Ron looked at me puzzled.

"What's so funny Hermione?" he asks.

"Oh it's nothing" I say laughing a little harder because Mr. Weasley had proceeded to talk about love and how it was a funny thing, Nico's face was bright red. I tried suppressing my laughter but I was failing. Thalia had started catching on and she was chuckling at her cousin while Percy was smiling at his cousin.

Nico muttered something that sounded like "I wish Solace was here."

All us Demigods heard it and while Snape and I were confused, Percy and Thalia were saying something that sounded oddly like Solangelo?

After a short while dinner had ended and now we all headed upstairs. Percy looked really pale and was muttering things to himself while Thalia and Nico tried relaxing him. I asked what it was all about and They said something about nightmares. I shrugged it off and went to bed. Soon after everyone had gone to bed.

Then, a piercing scream woke me up. I stood up groggily and looked to Thalia and Ginny who were also awake. We stood up and went towards the boys room. Inside we saw Nico trying to get close but not physically touching Percy as if he was afraid and Harry staring at him. Ron was walking towards me. I went to him and asked him what happened.

"I don't know Hermione" he says "He just started bloody screaming." he says.

"Percy?" I hear Nico say.

By now Thalia had come beside her cousins telling all the wizards, Snape and Myself to back away. They said it would get dangerous if anyone touched him.

Harry being the arrogant fool he was, walked up to him ignoring Thalia and Nico's warning and protests touched Percy on the shoulder. As soon as he touched him Percy began screaming louder and then he punched Harry in the jaw as if he was fighting someone.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!" Thalia growls.

"It's going to be even harder to wake him now." She says.

"What should we do dears?" Mrs. Wesley says worried.

"We need to fight him" Thalia says flatly.

"Why didn't I think of that!" Nico exclaims.

"How could you guys possibly fight him?" Harry Says rubbing his jaw.

"I couldn't even fight him and he's asleep!!" he says.

"We have been with him for many years he would never hurt us on purpose" Nico spat.

"Let's do this Thals." Nico says grimacing.

The two of them asked Snape and I to get the others to lean back to the wall so that they had lots of space. We all obliged anxious to see how things went, even Harry even though he was scowling.

Percy was now thrashing. Thalia and Nico got their swords out. Well, Thalia got her bow and backed away to not hurt him badly.

All the wizards looked as if they were going to protest but Nico's glare shut them up.

They started shooting and Nico lifted Percy up. Even though he was still screaming. Percy had managed to get his sword out and started sparing Nico while Thalia shot. Not to mention he acted like he was fighting someone in his dream. We were all amazed at how he could do this while sleeping. It was like Chiron had told us, Percy away from Annabeth wasn't a force to be reckoned with. The three of them sparred for a while and we all watched. Nico starting slowing down meaning that he was getting tired sweat beaded on his forehead and Thalia was running out of arrows. Then Percy had gotten Nico pinned to the floor muttering something about Gaea or something. He then pushed the blade farther into Nico's throat and we could see blood trickling. Thalia had stopped firing and was watching as if waiting for something to happen. Then as if on cue Percy screamed a wail of agony and cried Annabeth really loud.

He froze and his eyes snapped open. Thalia now at his side hugged him while Nico got Ambrosia and Nectar and started healing himself. He muttered something about blondes and Solace?

Percy was weeping and apologizing. His head on Thalia's chest while he soothed him. Whispering things to him.

Nico told us all to get out. He looked at me and said I could stay and so could Severus.

SO, all the wizards left although not without protests. Ron didn't want to leave me and Harry said that this was there bedroom. Thalia retorted back to go sleep in the girls room or something. They left but before closing the door I caught Ron's eyes hurt with betrayal.

I waved it away because Percy was family and family came first. I came and kneeled nest to Percy while Snape and Nico talked in hushed tones.

Thalia released Percy and sat net to him. Looking at him proudly and sadly.

"Hey Perce you Ok?" I say softly.

"I'm ok now I knew that sleeping here without Annabeth was going to be a problem!" He said looking up at me I saw his face his eyes were red and puffy from crying. He had a few small scars along his neck and a few on his face but what shocked me were his eyes! They looked broken and shattered I could see raging storms inside of them.

"Oh Perce I'm so sorry!" I say hugging him.

He tensed from my touch but relaxed after Thalia put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's fine Mione. It wasn't your fault anyway" he says after I looked up at him. He smiles meekly and asks about Harry.

"Harry is arrogant but he cares for the people he loves." I say "Like you he's been part of a prophecy and he's been through a war" I say putting my hand on his.

"He's lucky he hasn't been through countless prophecies and the leader of 2 giant wars" Percy says sighing.

"I know what it's like and so, can you tell him that if he ever wants to talk he can come to me." Percy says looking at me.

"Of course Perce" I say.

"Well I better go it's almost morning and we have to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow." I say getting up I pat his shoulder and head back to my room.

Tears threatening to fall as I thought of poor Percy and poor Annabeth.

----AUTHOR'S NOTE---------------------------------------------------------------------

Umm Haiii!! 1323 WORDS!!!

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