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Hermione's POV

I led the boys upstairs and steered them towards my room.

"Whats going on Hermione?" Harry says frowning.

"I think I should warn you." I say clenching my fists.

"About what?" Ron says puzzled

"Percy,Nico and Thalia, well" I paused then added hastily "mostly Percy" I say glancing towards a picture of Annabeth and Percy that they sent me awhile back.

Ron and Harry look at me expecting me to start.

Of course I wasn't going to tell them everything. I would tell them just how to treat him and why to not get him angry.

I sighed "Percy Jackson, The best friend ever, The loyalest Person I know and a Hero." I say. 

Harry opened his mouth but I continue talking, he quickly shuts his mouth.

" Percy is powerful, he has a hard time trusting people and it's gotten worse since he witnessed something traumatic." I start off by saying.

"He has ADHD, Dyslexia, PTSD and Separation Anxiety. He is the son of Sally Jackson the kindest mom out there and his dad was lost at sea." I lie.

"He has a girlfriend, Annabeth who is his motivation of living." I say smiling at the memory of when Percy and Annabeth told me they were dating.

"Percy is really protective of his friends and is really over protective of Annabeth." I say. I glance at Ron and Harry as I knew what their reaction would be.

"What do you Mean? He couldn't have through as much as me." Harry states.

"Oh Percy he's been through so much more than you." I say laughing at his stupidity.

"Compared to him your actions are like comparing an Elephant and a rat." I say giggling.

"Hermione why are you even defending him. We're your best friends and you're choosing him against us?" Ron says in a questioning tone.

"Well Ronald he's my cousin and he's my best friend actually." I say suppressing a laugh at harry's reaction.

"What about us?" Harry says mad.

"You guys are my friends too. I love you guys bet Percy's family." I say sighing.

"I don't want you near him Hermione." Ron states looking at me.

I gasp "Excuse me?!?" I say horrified.

"It's me Mione, your boyfriend you could at least stay loyal to me by doing this small favor." Ron says testing out the nickname.

"It's Hermione to you Ron and I will never stay away from Percy...Ever!!" I shout. 

I glare at him and look at Harry. He's looking at me worried.

"C'mon Hermione you don't let me, your best friend and boyfriend call you Mione but you let your cousins do?" Ron says looking at me disappointed.

"Why would I let you call me anything Ronald?" I say coldly.

Ron then frowns then he suddenly reaches for my hand.

"Sorry Hermione." he says not really sounding sorry at all.

I recoiled back. A look of hurt passes through Ron's face.

He takes a step forward and comes closer and closer.

I watch Harry leave the room. I felt paralyzed like I couldn't move and I was frozen, shocked.

Suddenly I feel lips smash against mine hard, forced and hungrily.

"Stop Ron!" I shout trying to push him back.

He doesn't instead he leans deeper into the kiss forcing me on him.

I shout then, as he slowly cups my face and pushes me against a wall.

The door bangs open. Percy stand there with Nico and Thalia next to him. Behind them stood a horrified looking Ginny and a shocked Harry.

Percy runs to me and pushes Ron off me. I back away afraid. Nico then walks over to me along with Ginny and he hugs me. Ginny apologizes.

"I'm so sorry Hermione." she says looking at me worried.

"It's OK Ginny" I say hastily.

I look over to Percy and Thalia. Percy was shaking his eyes churning like storms. Thalia sparked and glared furiously at Ron. 

Nico glances over too and lets me go.

I rush over to Percy trying to calm him down. Honestly I kinda wanted to see what he would do but, I remembered that Ron was a mortal and he probably would get killed.

"Percy calm down" I say putting a hand on his shoulder. I felt him tense and I couldn't stop what happened next. 

Percy pulled Riptide out. He snarled.

"Κανείς δεν βλάπτει τον ξάδερφό μου. Θα σε σκοτώσω." he says.

I gasp and I felt Nico tense. He surged forward.

"Percy stop!!" he shouts.

Thalia had stoped sparking and she was trying to get him calm.

"Perce please you'll regret it later" Nico says.

"Di immortals" Thalia cursed.

"Get out of here!" she says pointing to Harry, Ginny and I. I hear the two of them leave the room but I stayed determined to help.

"ΗΡΕΜΗΣΕ" Nico says to Percy.

Thalia grabs Percy's hand pleading. 

"Percy please stop!! θα είναι εντάξει." Thalia says.

"άσε με να φύγω " Percy says recoiling.

"Please Percy" I say. 

Ron turns to me surprised but immediately looks at Percy again when Riptide is put to his neck.

Nico runs out of the room, dashing into his bedroom quickly and suddenly.

Next thing I know, he runs in but thins time with Annabeth on his heels. She looked worried and tense, I could see her grey eyes land on Percy she immediately relaxes. She goes to him arms outstretched.

"Percy hey Seaweed Brain it's ok" Annabeth says hugging Percy.

"Annabeth let me kill him" Percy says his whole body still trembling with rage.

" Run you idiot!" Thalia says to Ron still standing in front of Percy. He doesn't hesitate he runs out of the room like he was being chased by hydras.

Percy stops shaking as Ron leaves the room and slowly his rage starts calming down. He looks at Annabeth ignoring everyone around him except her.

"I almost did it again." he says then collapses onto the floor sobbing.

Annabeth gasps. 

"No no no Perce you didn't it's OK you didn't even hurt him." she says desperately trying for him to take back what he said. 

I could tell Thalia, Nico both had no idea what they were talking about. They gestured for me to come with them to the corner of the room. I did and we sat down watching the couple.

-----AUTHOR'S NOTE-----------------------------

How was this chapter. 1017 words.

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