Introductions again and sorting

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Annabeth's P.O.V.

I came with blackjack as quickly as I could, after I had left Percy I rushed to camp telling Chiron that I couldn't live without Percy any longer and that I needed to stay with him. Chiron said yes and quickly ushered me off. I reached Hogwarts and I accidentally banged the doors open a little too loudly and everyone turned to stare at me. Ignoring people's stares I found sea green eyes that I longed to stare into like looking into a sea green marble. Percy currently stood still and Thalia nad Nico had a hand on his shoulders. I looked around for Will because I thought he would've come but, I couldn't find him. My eyes landed in beautiful sea green eyes once again.

"Percy" I whispered. He ran towards and and collided with me and I engulfed him in a hug. "I'm sorry I left" I apologized ruffling his hair.

"You're here now" Percy mumbles into my ear then he grabs my hand and leads me to everyone else. Nico, Thalia, Mione and Ginny were grinning at me while Harry and Ron glared. I spared a small glance towards them but my eyes landed on two familiar faces. Flynn Holt and Luna Lovegood, demigods who had left with Mione. Luna had gone a year later because it would have aroused suspicions if they all came at the same time.

"Hey Annabeth" Flynn says and give me a hug. Percy lets me go and I go still, waiting for  the hug to be over with. When he lets go Luna comes over and hugs me tightly.

"Hello Annabeth, I missed you" she says in her smooth British accent. I nodded then went to Percy's side quickly. He pulled me close and I put my head on his chest. His arm wrapped around my waist and I felt the familiar beating of his heart. I was aware that the two demigods looked at me strangely but I ignored it enjoying the familiarity of being with the three people I cared most about in my life Percy, Nico and Thalia.

"Attention students" a voice says from the front of the room. Causing Percy, Thals, Neeks and I to go still for a good moment. Percy subconsciously leaned closer to me and I squeezed his hand and rubbed his back. He kissed my forehead while I listened to the so called headmistress of the school.

When the speech was over she told everyone to sit at their corresponding tables accept for Me and the big three because we had to get sorted, whatever that means. Hermione explained that it was how you get determined into your house. I nodded in understanding ha repeated the information with the others. Everyone was in Gryffindor,  the house of the brave besides Flynn and Luna. Flynn was in slithering because he was a son of Hermes and Luna was in Ravenclaw because she was a daughter of Athena like me. The others and I exchanged a look worrying about many things but especially if me and Percy weren't in the same house. As everyone shuffled to their corresponding tables we stayed and waited for the sorting to begin. The headmistress  got a stool and an old leather hat out from the corner of the hall and placed it a few meters away from us. We eyed it wearily waiting for something to happen.

The professor/ Headmistress cleared her throat before saying Grace Thalia loudly.

"Just Thalia!" Thalia exclaims rolling her eyes before walking to the stool without making a sound of her feet even grazing the floor. As she walked there was a regal aura coming off her and she wore it like a true hunter of Artemis, bravely and proudly showing her silver circlet. When she sat on the stool the professor placed the old hat on Thalia's head. A few minutes had past before Thalia suddenly closed her eyes and took a few deep breathes.

The hat then opened it's mouth startling me and yelled "Gryffindor!" before closing it's mouth. The table with a lion clapped and cheered widely as Thalia made her way to Hermione.

"Di Angelo, Nico!" The professor shouts. Nico like Thalia, walked towards the stool with confidence no longer the scrawny shy, boy I had rescued so long ago with Bianca. He sat on the stool and immediately clenched his hands tightly and closed his eyes. His body drew shadows closer to him and a cold feeling dawned across the room. He finally let out a gasp and immediately got the hat off his head. In the professor's hand the hat exclaimed that he was in Gryffindor. I could tell a few people were confused because he and Thalia dressed similarly in all black, so naturally they had thought they were going into Slytherin. What they didn't know what he had done for people he cared about.

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