... Tartarus

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Percy's P.O.V.

All of us were relaxed when we heard thunder and an all too familiar sound. I stood and hauled Annabeth up. I gripped her hand tightly and prayed to the gods. 'Not again' I thought to myself. All of us were standing up and waiting for something to happen. Annabeth screamed and I snapped my attention to where she pointed. There was a gaping hole in the floor and I knew directly where it led. I shook my head and clutched Annabeth as hard as I could.

"You're not getting away from me" I mumbled into her ear. Annabeth sobbed and nodded. The rest of our friends were screaming and hollering. Shooting spells and fighting oncoming monsters. I let Annabeth go knowing she could fight for herself and stabbed an oncoming Empousa.

"Percy!" Annabeth yelled. I whipped my head to find her surrounded by Dracaena. I ran over to her and slashed all of the monsters, but it was too late. One of the Dracaena grabbed Annabeth and dragged her towards the hole. I screamed and ran to them hoping to catch up to them. Annabeth thrashed and yelled my name. I lunged and decapitated the Dracaena. Thalia shot her arrows and kept me covered as I ran to Annabeth. I felt for Annabeth's hands and instead found something I knew all too well. Spider Webs. Annabeth screamed and I saw her visibly weaken as she took sight of the spiders and webs that covered us. She breathed heavily and panted. She struggled to get to me. I reached out, but before she fully reached me something jerked her back. "Percy!" she screamed. I ran to her and grabbed her hands, but the force of what jerked her back was too powerful. She was pulled out of my grasp and in one fluid motion was swept into the pit. I screamed and felt the lake outside churn violently. Thalia shrieked and Nico ran towards me. I tried to go in after her, but he grabbed me tightly. I wiggled and squirmed, but he held on tightly.

"Get off me, Di Angelo!" I yelled. I kicked him and he flinched but stayed put. Thalia told the others that the monsters were gone and I screamed. Nico waited till the crack somehow closed up and released me. I ran over to where the crack was. I screamed a yell of pure agony. "Annabeth, no no no no no, I promised" I whispered. My hands searched the ground for anything but nothing was there. Nico and Thalia joined me and hugged me, but I could barely register what they were saying. Thalia sobbed and hugged me while Nico sat next to me. He sat quietly knowing what it was like to lose someone you loved. Hermione, Luna, Flynn, and Ginny watched from a few feet away while the two other boys walked up to me.

"What in the bloody heck was that!" Ron exclaimed. Nico glared at him, but Ron ignored him and stared at me. I snarled and lunged at him. Nico jumped up and caught my waist. Ron leaped back and stared at me. Harry opened his mouth but decided against it after seeing Thalia's glare.

"Percy, you need to calm down," Nico said as gently as he could. "We're going to get her back," he reassured me. I shook and felt emotionally drained. Nico gently released me again and sat me down. I put my head in my hands and stayed as still as a statue. I was dimly aware of Thalia telling Ron and Harry to leave, but the others remained. Unsure of what to do. They started fixing the grand hall and tidying it up. Thalia and Nico sat next to me while everyone cleaned. I tried to say something, but no words came out. Nico sat beside me, deep in thought, Thalia whispered to me and stroked my hair. I closed my eyes and wished to see Annabeth.

Suddenly, I shot up. I fished a drachma out of my pocket. "O Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Annabeth Chase'' I whispered hoarsely. There was a shimmer in the air in front of me. The Iris Message showed a frame with fleecy.

"Sorry, the person you requested is out of reach," Fleecy said before swiping the connection. I sighed and wordlessly sat down on the bench. I stared at the ground where Annabeth was dragged. I let out a scream and a frustrated yell. Thalia and Nico looked unnerved, but the others were staring at me wide-eyed. I willed myself not to cry and tried controlling the rage. I felt a twist in my stomach and the rage bubbled up in my stomach. I clenched my fists and closed my eyes. Standing up I opened my eyes and locked eyes with Nico. He looked at me and crossed his arms. He frowned. I looked at him and my rage was momentarily forgotten. After a while, I was about to sit down when I heard Nico suck in a breath. He gasped loudly and veered towards me.

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