A proper introduction.

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Nico POV

Percy, Thalia and I headed down to the dinner room.

There were more people in the room and It was really crowded.

All I really wanted was for Solace to be here right now. I really hate to admit it but I really miss him and I wish he could've come here with Annabeth even for a few minutes.

Mrs. Weasley cleared her throat and it slipped me out of my trance. I saw Percy staring at a man with shaggy red hair. I could sense Thalia staring at him too, he had an Aura around him similar to the guy sitting next to a woman with color-changing hair.

Percy then tensed his fingers itched towards his pockets where he probably had riptide stored in. Thalia then walked slowly to the table and sat down. I soon followed and I had to say, the food looked delicious. Percy whipped his head around to see a woman come through the door. She walked over to the shaggy-haired man and they kissed.

Percy winced obviously thinking about Annabeth. The Woman then asked the man a question looking at Percy who had now yet again tensed as the man stared him down with a glare. I flinched knowing what was going to happen next. Percy's glare wasn't something you wanted to receive. It was downright murderous.

The man winced and looked down as soon as Percy's glare reached his eyes. Percy then walked towards me and without a word, he sat down in the chair opposite to mine. He closed his eyes and started counting down on his fingers to 50 then backward. After he and Annabeth came out of Tarturas he had learned ways to calm himself down so he wouldn't have a flashback. I breathed in and out and thought about what I had learned about with Dionysus.

Looking away from Percy I glanced at Thalia who was now talking with Hermione and Ron. I hadn't noticed them come in but then again I hadn't really been paying attention.

"All right everyone listen here!!" Mrs. Weasley shouted above all the noise.

Percy winced and I put a hand on his arm reassuring him.

"If you haven't noticed there are three new people who will be staying with us for a while." Mrs. Weasley announced.

"Their names are Nico, Thalia, and Perseus," she states.

Percy again flinches as his full name was said.

I feel everyone's eyes dart towards the three of us and feel uncomfortable.

"Ok let's all introduce ourselves to the newcomers." Mrs. Wealsey says.

"I'll start" proclaims a red haired man.

"I'm Arthur Weasley, husband of Molly." he says.

"I'll go next, I'm Nymphadora Tonks but you can call me by my last name." says the lady with color-changing hair.

Next to her was one of the men who had a strange Aura to them.

"My name is Remus Lupin I am the husband of Tonks," he says taking his wife's hand.

"Tell me lycanthrope are you any harm?" Thalia demands standing up.

Remus looked astonished.

"How did you know?" he says with suspicion in his tone.

"My cousin asked you a question, I suggest you answer it if you don't want to get smothered," Percy says coldly.

"I am harmless I have been friends with the Weasley's for a while now and I would never hurt any of them." Remus states as a matter of faculty.

"Alright fine," Thalia says with distrust.

"Anyway, er I'm Harry Potter but you already know that," Harry says.

"I'm Ron but you've met me too," Ron says.

"Sadly" I hear Thalia mutter.

"You already know me so I won't bother introducing myself," Mione says in a sassy tone rivaling Percy's sass.

I snicker and suppress a laugh.

"My name is Sirius Black, Harry's godfather," says a man in his late 40's or early 50's.

"My name is Fleur Delacour," says the woman who had walked in here earlier.

"I'm Bill Weasley husband of Fleur." said the other man with the strange Aura.

"So you're a lycanthrope too eh?" Thalia says with a questioning tone.

"Not really, I got attacked by a werewolf and so I have a few of the few qualities like the urge of eating raw meat." Bill states

"Great" Thalia says sarcastically.

"I'm Ginny Weasley Harry's girlfriend," a female younger version of Ron says.

"You know me too so I won't bother," Severus says with a tone that matched Mione's.

"I'm Alastor Moody," a man with a magnifying eye says.

Percy stiffens and I do too. With an eye like that he could see past the Mist.

"Would you come with me for a minute Mr. Moody?" I say as innocently as I could.

He shrugs and follows me out of the kitchen.

I face him, "swear on River Synx that whatever you see out of that eye you won't tell anyone."

"Umm ok I swear on River Styx that I won't tell anyone about what I see through my eye," he says.

Thunder rumbled.

I walk back into the room Alastor on my heels.

"Now who's ready for food!" Mrs. Weasley was saying.

I heard loud shouts and exclaims of how hungry people were.

"Death Breath how do we sacrifice our food?" Percy whispers.

I scowl at the name before saying " Hecate says that we didn't have to for this quest because it would raise too much suspicion." I whisper back.

"Ok" he then repeats the info to Thalia.

We had lots to eat and gods, it was good.

---AUTHOR'S NOTE------------------------------------------------

I hope you enjoy so far.

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