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Percy's POV

After Hermione left I slowly got up and made my way over to Nico. 

"Neeks i'm so sorry" I say gesturing to the scar I gave in on his neck.

"It' fine Kelp Head, i've been through worst" He says smirking.

"Guys" Thalia says "I want a dam blue cookie" she says with a knowing smile.

"I want a dam chocolate bar" I say chuckling.

"What are you guys talking about?" Sevvy says.

"Oh nothing just a dam inside joke" Nico says.

I snicker and Thalia cracks up. Soon followed by Nico and I laughing.

"Weirdos" Snape decides then stalks out of the door.

Just then we hear faint yelling coming from The girls room. I look at my cousins and Thalia says to brush it off saying it wasn't any of our business. We stand together the three of us enjoying the comfortable silence.

Suddenly Hermione and Ginny burst in. Hermione had tears streaming down her face. Thalia rushes to her and asks Ginny what happened. Nico and I walk up to them and listen to what happened. I growl startling Ginny. That filthy boy hurt my cousin. He wouldn't go unharmed. Nico puts an arm on my shoulder and tells me to calm down. I try but I feel rage honestly I felt Nico shake with anger. No one hurts our cousin. Nico having better control had snapped out of it still furious. Thalia told me that we all should just go outside for a bit to cool off. We all agree so Thalia, Ginny, Mione, Nico and I all head quietly downstairs to the field.

We all sit down looking at the sky.

"Bob says hello Zoe" I say sadly. Thalia and I share a glance. Ginny looks at us as well as Hermione is confusion. Nico just smile remembering all our past friends. A tear glides down Thalia's face thinking of her old friend. 

"Who's Bob and Zoe?" Ginny asks.

"An old friend of ours." Nico says smiling.

"Oh what happened to her? Did she move away?" Ginny asks.

"No, she died" Thalia says. Tears were freely shining down on her face.

"Oh, i'm sorry" Ginny says with a sincere look.

"It's fine, we've lost too may friends to even count" I say sadly.

"What, how?" Ginny says astonished.

I look at my cousins, all three of them this time. Wondering if we should tell her. Thalia and Nico nod slightly so that Ginny doesn't notice.

I take a deep breath and ask her "Do you know anything about greek gods?


"Wow that's some bloody stuff you've been through" Ginny says. Hermione also looked quite shocked because she didn't know our whole story either

"Yea well life as a demigod isn't fun" Nico says. We all nod in agreement.

"So who's been through the most out of all of you guys" Ginny asks curious.

Everyone points to me without hesitation.

 I flush "I didn't do it alone" I protest. 

"Percy's just modest you can ask anyone at both camps and literally any god and they'll all say it's him" Thalia says pointing at me and snickering.

"What about you Hermione?" Ginny asks. Wow i thought to myself this girl has a lot of questions. I could relate though I had thousands of question when I found out too.

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