Harry and Persassy

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Percy's P.O.V.

I stood up taller and saw Harry flinched as I practically towered over him. I glared at him and clenched my fists.

"What did you just say?" I repeated again. My voice was quiet and calm. My eyes burned with whatever hatred I felt towards Harry and Ron. Ginny started forward, but Thalia held her back.

"Don't move, Mortal" she spat out. Ginny's eyes widened and she stood still. Nico walked over to me. He didn't try and interfere, he just stood by. Hermione was standing still, whispering to Ron to get back.

"I said, you're a bloody git who hasn't been through as much as I have" he stated, his chin stuck up and his cheeks were flushed. I snarled and felt for the lake outside. I rolled my eyes and my hand went to Riptide. Hermione made a sound of protest and yelled at Harry to back away. Harry ignored her very smart comment and stood his ground. Thalia pulled Hermione away when she squirmed and nearly wiggled free. Luna, who I hadn't registered was next to Flynn. Their eyes were wide in anticipation of what I would do. "Well, what are you gonna do about it then?" Harry said with a defiant tone.

Nico then sighed and gripped Harry's wrist. "Come on you ignorant prick", I'm saving your life right now," he said before shoving him farther towards Thalia, Luna, Hermione, and Flynn. I watched them and heard the scuffling of feet behind me.

"You aren't going to succeed," I said in a bored tone. Ron froze and I heard a small gasp. I spun and took out a small dagger I kept in my sleeve and pinned Ron to the wall with his robe. "Never ever, sneak up on me, not unless you want to get killed," I said calmly. Ron's eyes widened. "Move, now" I snarled taking the dagger out. He gulped and moved out from behind me quickly. I huffed out a breathe and narrowed my eyes at harry.

"You," I said jabbing a finger in his direction "you are lucky, you just a mortal" I whispered quietly so the other students walking by wouldn't hear. Harry said something, but I didn't register it because I saw something that caught my eye. I grumbled and ran. Thalia and Nico must have seen it too because they were right behind me. I took Riptide out and slashed at something. I watched as it disintegrated. "Kellie," I said in distaste.

"The cheerleader donkey vampire?" Nico asked smirking. I nodded glaring at the yellow dust.

"Empousa" Thalia corrected. Nico rolled his eyes, still smirking.

"Blimey, what in the bloody hell was that!" Harry exclaimed behind us. I froze. Thalia tensed and Nico just stood there, expressionless. Hermione entered the hallway, panting. Flynn on her heels. Luna and Ginny appeared with Ron in tow.

"We tried to stop him," Hermione said, out of breath. "When did you learn how to run so fast?" she said in disbelief. Harry ignored her.

"Something's definitely going on here, I'm not leaving until you tell us what you and you're friends are hiding!" Harry demanded. Ginny looked down at his sudden outburst. Flynn looked worried-looking from Harry to me then back to Harry. I clenched my fists. Suddenly, two voices erupted across the hall, saving me from having to answer. We all turned to see a red-headed boy who resembled Ron.

"George, what are you doing here?" Ron asked his older brother. He waved at Ron and the others.

"Scouting the area for more prank locations" he admitted cheekily with a glint in his eye. I rolled my eyes, I missed when I could be care free like that. NIco cleared his throat quietly and walked to me.

"Well we will be going now," he said as he started backing away with Thalia and I in tow. Harry ran and stopped us towards the entrance to another passageway.

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