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Ron's P.O.V.

"Dating?" I say.

They all turn and look at me.

I had a million questions like who the bloody heck was Flynn? And Hermione and Draco were dating? What about us? 

"Yes Weasley, Dating" Draco says, rolling his eyes.

"No Hermione's dating me" I state angrily.

"Actually Ronald, we broke up. Maybe you should get that into your thick head." Hermione says frowning.

"When did that happen?" I says really confused now.

"Well umm a few days ago but, Flynn and I have been dating since our 4th year and you were always so possessive and riled up. I broke up with you a while back but you obviously don't remember and I've had to pretend all summer until we started fighting and we officially broke up" Hermione says in one breathe.

Before I could say anything else Harry cuts in.

"Why are you calling him Flynn? His name is Draco Malfoy." He says puzzled.

"That Potter was my code name, let me reintroduce myself. My name is Flynn Holt son of Hermes and Narcissa Holt." Draco/Flynn says.

"I was sent here with Hermione to protect you and Weasley" he says.

Just then, Luna walks over but funny thing is, she doesn't have that dreamy look on her.

"Hey guys just thought that I should see what all the conversation is about." she says giggling.

Thalia's eyes widen. She surged forward and embraced Luna.

"Hey cuz, I missed you so much" Luna says.

"Ok...What is god's name is happening here?" Harry says.

"Well Harry I was sent here the year Ginny was because I was to get to know her." She says.

"It would be easier to protect the two of you buys by befriending Ginny snd she turns out to be very nice" Luna says grinning.

"Well that's good because Ginny είμαστε ημίθεοι" Percy says grinning.

Flynn and Luna crack a slight smile.

Wait what's Ginny got to do with this?

Suddenly we hear a banging of silver wear and Turn.

I saw Percy clench his fists at his side and go rigid.

His two cousins glance at him and the three of them stand together tightly.

"Sorry to startle you" Professor McGonagall says apologetically.

Percy tenses and breathes deeply.

"It's fine" Thalia responds for him as if out of habit.

Nico puts his hand on Percy's arm.

Suddenly we hear a horse and a crash through the doors as they bang open.

----Author's Note------

Sorry for not updating in  a really long time.

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