prologue | "why are you humans so idiotic?"

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"I want power."

Yoongi laughed at the human's statement, flicking his wrist absentmindedly. The human was flung to the wall, the crunching bones sending satisfaction through Yoongi's body. He waited a few moments, raising his eyebrows, when the human, although completely injured, still made his way towards Yoongi.

"What's your name?" Yoongi asked.

The human looked at him with hatred, clutching his side before stuttering, "M-Micah J-Jung."

Yoongi nodded in recognition, remaining quiet for a few moments. "You're the son of one of the leaders conspiring against my brothers' and I's rule. Why should we give you power?"

"I want my family to be the rulers of Korea," Micah answered confidently. "I want the Gwans to cease existence. Wipe them off the face of the Earth. Replace my lineage— the Jung lineage with them."

Yoongi hummed at the statement, glancing at his brother's sitting in his left and right. Namjoon looked at Yoongi with a bored expression, while Jimin looked amused, leaning towards Micah with intrigue. Jimin's fingers lightly tapped his cheeks, eyes locking into Micah's.

"What would be in it for us, Jung?" Jimin asked, cocking his head to the side innocently. Namjoon rolled his eyes at Jimin's statement, gazing at the human with discord. This wasn't the first time a human had barged in, despite being at war with them, to try to gain power. All the ones that passed through the doors never made it out alive. If there was one thing Namjoon despised, it was disloyalty, a habit that humans were fond of. He wasn't expecting this human to be an exception.

"Let me guess, we'll have your undying service and loyalty," Namjoon spoke dryly, scoffing at the end. "We've been warring against each other for thirty years now. You're not the first human to waltz into the door praising our names. Do you know what happens to all of them? They die."

"Aw Namjoon, don't be like that." Jimin pouted, casting a sullen look at his brother. "It's been a while since a human has come to visit us. I want to at least have my fun with him."

"Namjoon's got a point, Jung," Yoongi chuckled, intertwining his fingers together. "What can you give us that no other human has already offered us?"

Micah swallowed the lump in his throat, squaring his injured shoulders. He kneeled to the ground, bowing his head. "Do what you want with me. Mark me, hurt me, chain me. I am yours."

Yoongi's eyebrow raised, lips parting in surprise at the declaration. Now, this was a first. No human had ever bowed down to them, much less given their will up. Jimin's eyes sparkled at the sight, his lips quirking into a mischievous smirk.

"A human bowing down to us." Namjoon approved, feeling the humility behind the human's bow. "Now that is something we can get behind."

They stood up from their thrones, sauntering towards the still kneeled Micah. Jimin crouched first, his porcelain hands touching Micah's warm, tender skin. He carefully lifted Micah's head, processing the human's emotions.

"Micah Jung, you have a lot of ambition and greed in you." Jimin said, licking his lips as he inhaled Micah's scent."You desire to be in charge. Hm. You've betrayed your people before. Made a lot of decisions in your time to save yourself. Selfish. Arrogant."

Jimin let out a cackle, pushing Micah to the ground. He nodded approvingly at Namjoon and Yoongi. "I like him. I think he'll be good."

"He's not even fighting back." Namjoon laughed, joining Jimin's parade. Yoongi nodded, taking it as a good sign from both of them. Yoongi willed Jung to get up, Jung's cheek connecting with Yoongi's hands. Yoongi's eyes fluttered closed as he peered into Jung's past and present before gazing into the future.

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