twenty one | "i would know if my husband is doing poorly"

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The lights were surprisingly brighter than Hoseok expected to be. Gradually, his eyes fluttered open, and he sat up, his hands pressing against his mattress. He looked around his room, drinking in the cream-colored walls draped with paintings, illuminating with pictures of his family. Everything seemed to be in place, and yet, Hoseok couldn't help but feel eerily empty.

Cautiously, he got out of his bed and walked to his bathroom, taking light steps as if he were trying to ensure that he didn't get anyone's attention, even though he was the only one in his room. He stopped in front of the sink, looking up at the mirror, only leaving him more confused. His eyes were slightly puffy as if he'd been crying. His fingers ran along the surface of his cheeks, lips parting in surprise as he felt the sticky texture of dried tears left.

Hoseok couldn't understand why he'd been crying. Even as he washed his face, no thought, no reason appeared in his head about the cause of the tears. All he knew was that he'd been crying the night before, and now he was awake, with no recollection of anything. His chest hurt, something that had never happened to him before, and as his eyes continued to drink in his appearance, Hoseok couldn't help but notice something off.

His fingers lightly grazed down his neck, pulling at the satin collar of his shirt. Hoseok's brows furrowed at the crystal clear skin that blessed him. The sight was odd. Hoseok could have sworn he had something there.


Hoseok turned to see Seokjin standing in the doorway, smiling at him. Hoseok finished washing his face, muttering a small greeting before finally going to embrace him. He smiled as he milted into Seokjin's embrace, hugging Seokjin tighter than he'd intended to. Seokjin laughed at the action, pressing a reassuring kiss on Hoseoak's forehead.

"Nightmare?" Seokjin asked gently, tucking a strand of Hoseok's hair behind his ear. Hoseok looked down, and he bit his bottom lip, a puzzled expression settling onto his face.

"I guess so," Hoseok mumbled. "I don't know. I woke up with tears on my face, so I know it was sad, but I can't remember what exactly was sad. It's annoying me."

"Oh, Seokie," Seokjin smiled affectionately. "If you don't remember, then it means it wasn't important. Come. Your father's waiting for you. We have to discuss some sensitive details."

Hoseok scrunched his nose. "Let me change first. I can't go out in my pajamas. My father will kill me."

"You look beautiful either way," Seokjin teased lightly, leading Hoseok out of the restroom. "You could wear a garbage bag, and I'd still think you're the most beautiful person in the world."

"You're sweet," Hoseok responded, pushing Seokjin away. "However, my father will think I look like an idiot. I must always look the part of a royal. Now go away. I don't need you in here to change."

Seokjin sat down on the edge of Hoseok's bed. Hoseok laughed and shook his head but let the older remain there as he rummaged to find appropriate clothing to wear. He had no clue what his father wanted, but if Seokjin had come into the room to alert him, then he knew it was extremely important. It had to be, else Seokjin and he would have waited out for him.

"I'm done!" Hoseok announced, blushing as Seokjin let out a low whistle. "You don't have to hype me up, you know."

"Who else is going to, if not me?" Seokjin asked leisurely, holding out his hand. Hoseok's grin widened at Seokjin's words, and he took Seokjin's hand, letting Seokjin lead him out of his room and into his father's study.

Seokjin continued to latch onto Hoseok securely; an action Hoseok somewhat tensed at. Strangely enough, everything around him felt foreign. The helpers walking around, the pristine hallways and flooring— all felt weird with every footstep. Everything looked the same, yet Hoseok felt like he was stepping on a place that did not exist.

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