thirty nine | "you were once destined to be with me for the rest of your life"

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"Every royal line has its marks."

Namjoon nodded in agreement, offering an incoherent mumble as his finger traced over the lines on the marble statue. He grimaced at the dust coming from it, glaring pointedly at Yoongi, who only rolled his eyes.

"Do you think I have time to clean out this area of our home?" Yoongi scoffed, clicking his tongue. "This place gets cleaned every two centuries. If you would like to maintain upkeep, please let me know, and I will happily give you full reign."

"You're the one with an obsession with history," Namjoon responded. "You should be responsible for maintaining upkeep."

"I keep records," Yoongi corrected. "Everything inside is fully intact. The outside is what's dusty, so again, if you would like to maintain upkeep, I will give you full reign to do with this hall what you wish."

Namjoon huffed but said nothing more, pulling out the pristine pages Yoongi had been referring to. Yoongi glanced at him smugly, his eyes flashing purple in an 'I told you so' remark. Namjoon pointed his finger towards the page and pulled the drawings from the page, illuminating the markings across the air. His eyes narrowed for a split second before slamming the drawing back onto the page, annoyed.

Yoongi shook his head. "That, my brother, is how you ruin absolutely everything I have kept sacredly stored. If you wanted to ruin my archives, you should have just said that."

"Maybe if you weren't forcing me to dig through your archives while standing around idly gawking at all the artifacts you've collected through the centuries, maybe we would be getting somewhere," Namjoon said dryly. Yoongi only half smiled at the remark, his mind already diverting to other things.

Namjoon knew better than anyone that Yoongi had to tend to other matters. Their situation was less than ideal— and though Yoongi had lived for a long time, the Gods had lived for a lot more. The Gods had all of the power, and while Yoongi and his brothers had abilities to rival them, they couldn't compete. They would never be able to compete. They'd been lucky thus far not to have upset the balance of the world, but no one knew how far any one of them could go before they would have to pay for what they were trying to do.

"There," Yoongi remarked, his eyes flashing purple as he pointed at a book a few feet away from Namjoon. Though doubtful, Namjoon grabbed the book, quickly scrolling through it, to find Yoongi had been right. "I find it fitting that the Gwan line has an arrow as part of their mark."

"The mark would be on the ankle," Namjoon said, pointing to the drawings. "But to bring it out, we need a spell."

"Yeonjun," Yoongi nodded once. "It would take a lot of his power. He'd have to extend his sorcery across the country."

"He has done it once before," Namjoon closed the book, smiling. "This is only a fraction of what he was made to do by Hoseok's father. Speaking of, has there been updates?"

Yoongi shook his head. "More silent than the night."

"You worry."

Yoongi smiled brazenly. "It's hard not to, brother. Attempting to locate a descendant of the Gwan family line and making them take their rightful place with Micah colluding with Artemis is far more difficult than anything we have ever done in at least two hundred years. Keeping all of us safe, making sure that Seokjin remains unaware of Hoseok's existence—"

"—but you told him," Namjoon interrupted. "Made him forget."

Yoongi's lips twitched slightly. "It doesn't count if he doesn't remember. He deserves to be plagued with the phantom that has haunted him for the last few years."

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