epilogue | ''it's good to see you again, my hoseok''

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"I'm sorry."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at Artemis's apology.

They were all crowded around the meeting area. The Purebloods and their soulmates were on one side, with Hoseok and Yoongi in the center, Yeonjun, Selene, and Hecate in the other remaining seats as they all looked at Artemis.

"For what exactly?"

Yoongi's tone was measured, and precise. There was no underlying accusatory tone as if Yoongi wanted Artemis to fess up to everything that She had actually done. Yoongi and Hoseok, along with the help of everyone else had managed to make the world go back to the way it was supposed to, before any of them had interfered.

Had they done the work of gods? Probably.

All in a day's work.

"In my defense, you three should have never been born," Artemis said, frowning. "I was only doing what I thought was the right thing to do."

"You were doing it to get back at me," Selene corrected. "If the Fates had not intervened when each of them was born, then it meant that my children were always meant to have life. You intervened and messed up the balance of the world more. Nothing that you did actually helped the world. Now look at what has become. You tried making it impossible for their soulmates to be together, and you managed to kill one of my children's soulmates, but of course, you failed. Finally, you aided the one man you should have killed for everything he had done, and mind you, part of the reason why the world was unbalanced, and employed your Hunters to do your dirty work for you."

Artemis nodded. "I let this go too far. I apologize."

"You know what humans do when they have problems?" Selene asked. "They talk to someone. They do not hold centuries' worth of grudges and try to make other people's lives more miserable to get back at the person they were hurt by. Artemis, we could have figured something out, worked together and maybe now we could have been something more. But you chose your pride over everything, and now you've ended in a much worse place."

"I ought to tell your father about what you caused," Hecate hummed, crossing her arms. "This romantic feud was far too long and created so much distraction. Selene's children and their soulmates were not your puppets to play with. My son wasn't an instrument for you to wield. You cost him his soulmate and because of Yoongi and Hoseok's actions, my son now has the opportunity to love again because the Gwan line was re-established."

Artemis's lips pressed into a thin line.

Everything that Hecate and Selene had said was true. Artemis had thought that the best way to hurt Selene the way that Selene had hurt her centuries ago was to take away the children that Selene loved the most. She had already taken Ambrogio, but that hadn't been enough for her because with her children, Selene still had traces of Ambrogio left to love. Selene had broken her completely, and it was something that Artemis, wounded in ego and heart, had wished to return tenfold.

It had failed.

She had failed.

She'd even allied herself with men to try to meet her end goal— something that she should have been horrified in doing. She was desperate, but she wasn't supposed to be that desperate, yet that's exactly what she had done. She'd stopped to the worst version of herself, all because of heartbreak. She hid her true intentions behind noble ones, and she knew that she would be unable to justify herself if she had anything but.

Something could have worked out.


Even Astraea had gloomed with disappointment at the thought of helping a man— especially one as evil as Micah Jung. Artemis had pushed through it, wallowing in her pity, ignoring her good conscious that screamed at her to do the right thing.

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