nine | "as long as there's weakness, there's chance of death"

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"Don't tell me you're scared, Your Highness."

Obsidian let out a chuckle, his fingers tracing daintily over Hoseok's jaw, traveling down his neck. Hoseok's breath hallowed, his heart jolting in his chest as Obsidian's fingers brushed his birthmark, which almost seemed to pulsate at his touch. Noticing the Prince's reaction, Obsidian raised an eyebrow, a look of concern washing onto his face.

"Something wrong?"

Hoseok quickly shook his head, though his hand went instinctively to his birthmark, and he accidentally brushed his hand against Obsidian's, who immediately laced their fingers together and set it down. He smiled good-naturedly, leaning closer to Hoseok, leaving them inches apart. Hoseok could feel Obsidian's cold breath hit his lips, but he found that the first instinct he thought he would have— pull farther away, wasn't igniting in him.

He found himself mesmerized as his eyes locked with Obsidian's, watching as his eyes began to wash into purple. Hoseok watched as Obsidian's eyes wandered to his lips, noticing Obsidian's fangs begin to peek out from his lips, tongue tracing down his bottom lip.

"May I steal a kiss from you, my dear Prince?"

Obsidian's voice sounded so sweet, so melodic— heaven in Hoseok's ears. It was as if he caught in a trance, though it was one he didn't mind. Something about having Obsidian trace his thumb over his bottom lip sent Hoseok's body ablaze, and he could feel himself responding to Obsidian's touch— no matter how strange that sounded. Hoseok nodded numbly, feeling his eyes fluttered close as Obsidian closed the gap between them, his thumb carefully tilting Hosoek's jaw towards him.

The feeling was unlike anything Hoseok had felt before. It was explosive, the contact sending adrenaline shooting through him, his chest buzzing with indecipherable emotions. But, just as quickly as their lips had touched, the feeling was gone, Obsidian's lips latching themselves onto Hoseok's birthmark, the tip of his fangs grazing lightly as his tongue ran over Hoseok's skin.

"The name's Min Yoongi, darling. Remember it."

Hoseok only nodded, managing to ask, "Will it hurt?"

"Only upon contact," Yoongi murmured into the Prince's neck. "Don't worry. I'll give you a treatment fit for a Prince."

Hoseok gasped as Yoongi's fangs slice through his skin, embedding themselves in him. He writhed at the sudden pain in his neck, his body jerking at the feeling, so much that Yoongi's arm wrapped around him, holding Hoseok in place, as he greedily drunk the satisfying yet craving inducing royal blood. Without realizing it, Hoseok had surrendered himself to Yoongi, and the life of the boy was now in Yoongi's hands.


Hoseok felt himself arch towards Yoongi, his open arm slinging automatically around Yoongi's shoulder, his head tilting to give Yoongi better access. The vampire took it as a sign to continue, sinking his fangs deeper. So entranced and captured, Hoseok was in his bliss that he let himself loose, becoming a needy, moaning mess in the hands of Yoongi, whom he'd only met a few hours ago.

All rationality left his body. If Hoseok's father were here— if Seokjin were to see how vulnerable Hoseok had left himself to their enemies, Hoseok knew he would be finished. It would be seen as a betrayal, and direct disobeying— not to mention the vampire's lips had touched lips only meant for his love bound. Yet, with his mind overcome with pleasure as Yoongi drank to his contentment, such thoughts were cast away, and all Hoseok wanted was more.

For a split second, Hoseok was glad that Jungkook had convinced him to disobey the orders given to him. He knew he'd never get a chance like this, and now that he was experiencing it— it didn't matter that he had become prey. To know and live to tell the experience of being bitten was something to remember. At least now, he could understand why there were humans rummaging these parts. He could understand why Jungkook loved being on this side of town.

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