thirty six | "you made me this way"

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"It seems the bloodsuckers have taught you lack of manners."

Hoseok couldn't help but scoff at his father's words.

"You look like shit," he commented, earning a glare from Micah. Out of the corner of his ear, he could hear both Taehyung and Jungkook airing the lowest of chuckles— something he was sure he wouldn't have heard before if he were still human. His father certainly hadn't heard it, focusing his gaze instead on Hoseok, looking far more disappointed than Hoseok had expected him to be.

"You speak like my son," Micah said softly, edging closer to Hoseok. "But you don't look like him. Your features are hardly recognizable. Is that what happens when you're Turned? I can't say that those gold eyes of yours suit you. They make you look unnatural. Like you're not human. It's unsettling. You're dead."

Hoseok's lips curled upward. "I may be dead, Micah, but I've never felt more alive. It appears you've failed at preventing the inevitable. I can't imagine how that feels for you."

"All I wanted was for my son to retain his humanity," Micah answered. "I wanted what was best for him. You don't know the bloodsuckers the way I do, and you willingly Turned yourself into one."

"I didn't."

"Don't lie to me, Hoseok," his father laughed humorlessly. "The end goal of you being with the Pureblood was for you to end up just like them. The same way Jungkook ended up, and the other one before that."

"I didn't."

Micah raised an eyebrow. "I always knew you were capable of many things, but a liar wasn't one of them. Have I not taught you better?"

"If I were lying, you would have no one to blame but yourself," Hoseok spat, hands balling into fists. "You have been a liar your entire life. A liar and a murderer. I see the urns you keep with you, father. Ones you've never let me see. Would I have become a part of your collection, too? If you had found my body buried underneath the pillars of the fallen palace, broken beyond repair, would you have burned my body so you could keep it as a gift's sake? To remind you how much of a horrible father you were to your family?"

"You don't know what you're talking about."

If Hoseok didn't know any better, he would believe him.

"How old are you, Micah?" Hoseok asked quietly. "How long have you been alive?" When Micah refused to answer, Hoseok continued. "Hasn't it been almost three hundred years? You went to Yoongi, asked him to get rid of the royal line, and you used me as a bargaining chip. You killed generations worth of your children— my half-siblings, and now you keep them in those urns as a reminder. And when my mother finally had me, you did everything to make sure Yoongi wouldn't come for me, and you killed my mother— your wife, and my siblings. Then you had me killed too."

That's what had hurt most of all. Ultimately, his father played a role in his demise. Hoseok wanted Micah to feel something, but the only thing that stared back at him was someone else. This wasn't the father that he had growing up— or maybe it was, but Hoseok had been too blind to see it. He'd admired his father too much to notice that he'd done some very terrible things, ones that he could never recover from. For someone that condemned the Purebloods and vampires, Micah sure seemed to behave like one. He'd had the benefits of being a vampire without actually turning into one, and it wasn't until Hoseok died the first time that Micah began to age.

"I did everything for you," Micah said, his expression twisting into anger. "Everything. They killed my father— your grandfather. Then they threaten to take you away from me? I loved you as a father would do a son, Hoseok. You were the best thing in my life. I had to do what I could to make sure you could remain human. I set you up with Seokjin because I knew he would be good for you, and he was. You two would have gotten married and ruled happily. I set you for life. You messed it all up."

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