six | "think about it, hoseok, have you ever truly known me?"

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When Hoseok awoke, he was met with Jungkook's piercing, unrelenting eyes. Jungkook, upon seeing Hoseok stirring to consciousness, smiled, though the smile held nothing related to kindness. It seemed forced, almost as if he felt he had to smile at Hoseok. He watched silently as Hoseok sat up on the bed he was on, noticing that he'd been changed into simple sleepwear.

"Welcome to your new home, Your Highness."

Hoseok winced at the brutality of the words. Jungkook's tone held nothing but information. There was nothing kind about what Jungkook had just told him, and one look at Jungkook's expression told Hoseok that he wasn't going to be amicable anytime soon. Hoseok could almost touch the tension that had settled between the two, Hoseok trying to wrap his head around everything that had occurred before he awoke while Jungkook looked impassive, waiting for Hoseok to speak.

"I'm sure you have questions."

Hoseok could almost scoff at the statement. Of course, he had questions, what person in his position wouldn't? But, all Hoseok could do was gawk at Jungkook while attempting to string coherency in a place where only incoherence existed, his mind consumed with overwhelming thoughts that couldn't be formed into proper questions.

Jungkook sighed. "Am I going to have to bring Jimin in here?"

"Why would you?" Hoseok asked carefully, edging farther away from Jungkook. Jungkook noticed the shift, though he commented nothing, ignoring Hoseok's actions the best he could.

"You're not speaking." Jungkook deadpanned, speaking once more. "You're looking at me as if I've grown a third eye."

Not a third eye, but a new personality.

"Sorry," Hoseok murmured, looking away. Jungkook sighed, pinching the bridges of his nose in annoyance.

"You know, I'm really not liking how quiet you're being," Jungkook snapped, crossing his arms. "This isn't how you're supposed to be reacting."

"I apologize that I cannot form the proper questions to ask," Hoseok answered stoically.

"No need to be so formal with me," Jungkook retorted. "We're best friends, aren't we?"

"I mean—"

"It was a joke." Jungkook looked at Hoseok, amused. "We don't even know each other."

Hoseok could only stare stunned at Jungkook's nonchalant remark. It should have sounded absurd that he and Jungkook weren't best friends, senile even to think that they didn't know each other. Jungkook was someone Hoseok felt had always been in his life. Jungkook's face was practically engraved into Hoseok's mind, yet the statement seemed to forcibly send Hoseok into a state of acknowledgment— only confusing him even more.

"We've been friends since we were kids, Kook," Hoseok said carefully, though his expression displayed one of uncertainty. A look of pity washed across Jungkook's face at Hoseok's remark, his eyes seemingly crestfallen.

"Think about it, Hoseok, have you ever truly known me?"

Without waiting for a response, Jungkook continued.

"The first time I met you, Hoseok, was three days before your eighteenth birthday." Jungkook's voice hardened. "I've only known you for a couple of weeks. We're strangers. Enemies, Hoseok for lack of a better word."

Strangers? Enemies?

Hoseok stared blankly as what Jungkook said sunk in. The pity was gone from Jungkook's face, and the person— thing? was staring back at him impassively, face edged with sharp animosity, gauging Hoseok's reaction. A look of displeasure flashed Jungkook's face, one that had become blurry in Hoseok's vision. Lips parted in surprise, Hoseok brought his hand up to his face, a soft scoff emitting from his throat as he felt his cheeks moistened by the trail of his tears; an act completely sprung out of nowhere.

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