one | "kim seokjin and jung hoseok, korea's precious couple"

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Hoseok's heart pounded with excitement as he leaped out of bed, dancing his way to his closet. He hummed a cheerful tune, picking out his outfit for the day, making sure that while stylish, it was still seemingly mundane. Today, he was meeting Seokjin, his fiancé, along with his best friend, Jungkook, for a formal last date (and Jungkook's approval). If all went well, by tomorrow, Hoseok would be marrying the love of his life; his love bound, his soulmate.

He was excited, to say the least.

There was a knock on the door before his father walked in. Hoseok grinned, waving excitedly at his father, who shook his head at his son's antics. Hoseok took a cream long-sleeved dress shirt and black pants out of the closet, showing them to his father.

"Father, do you think this will be fine?" Hoseok asked lightly, his expression filled with youthful innocence. "It's just a small lunch with Jin and Jungkook, but the media is probably going to be swarming around there."

"That looks fine, Hoseok." Micah smiled lovingly at his son, who immediately put it on. He watched his son's illuminated expression, not leaving his face.

It had been a few weeks since Hoseok had turned eighteen, but not a word had been heard from any of the Purebloods, particularly Yoongi. Micah had been keeping track of the Purebloods' whereabouts ever since, pulling out all the stops to ensure that they knew nothing of what was about to happen. So far, everything was dead silent in their world, and he vainly hoped it would remain that way. If Hoseok managed to marry Seokjin before any of the Purebloods managed to get ahold of him, Hoseok would never be taken away from him.

At least, that's what Micah hoped would happen.

"Alright, I'm going to brush my teeth and head out!" Hoseok hugged his father quickly, Micah's heart-melting at the embrace. That wretched Pureblood had been right about one thing.

Jung Hoseok was what he loved most in this world.

Micah followed Hoseok out of the room, watching as his son made a beeline to the restroom. He caught a glimpse of Yoongi's insignia on Hoseok's neck, pursing his lips. No matter how hard Micah had tried, the insignia did not come out of Hoseok's neck. He passed it off as a birthmark, a lie that everyone, including Hoseok, had bought, one that Micah himself would have believed too if it weren't for the way he remembered Yoongi's warm looks towards his son.

Not to mention how eerily responsive Hoseok had been at Yoongi's touches.

He watched his son come out of the restroom a few minutes later, completely ready to take on the day. He walked with Hoseok, where Hoseok finally said goodbye.

"Be home as soon as you can!" Micah called out. Hoseok nodded, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. He didn't know why his father would have to remind him not to be out too long constantly. That rule was instilled into his being. Hoseok knew that it was done out of love and concern, to ensure that he wasn't out when the vampires began to come out, but it still annoyed him to be reminded every single time he wanted to head out.

Vampires and humans couldn't be caught socializing— especially not the Crown Prince of all the humans.

While Hoseok was the Crown Prince, the Purebloods were still recognized as superior. Purebloods didn't meddle in human affairs, which is why the humans could have a makeshift government. It gave them the false illusion that they were in control of their situation, that in some way, the humans were on top of the chain, vampires and those wretched Purebloods coming in second.

Hoseok walked cheerfully out of the palace, making his way to the small cafe a few blocks away. The cafe was Jungkook's favorite spot to be and an ideal place to convene. Jungkook was usually always busy during the day, spending his time at the coffee shop, and at night he was equally as busy, though Hoseok had never figured out what exactly Jungkook did.

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