thirteen | "by the power invested in me, i now pronounce you as mine"

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"You're insane."

In response, Yeonjun burst into maniacal laughter, mismatched eyes shining brightly with mischief. Hoseok swallowed the lump in his throat, feeling himself becoming more lightheaded. His hand crept up to his chest, fingers beginning to hide the glow that felt as if it was gaining weight on his chest. His eyes kept leaping from Yeonjun to Seokjin, his Seokjin, who was starting to get more worried by the second. Seokjin obviously didn't know what was happening, and from the looks of the King, he didn't either.

Now Hoseok had an impossible decision to make.

"I could be, Prince; I won't deny it." Yeonjun agreed. "But can you blame me? Your father and lower are so desperate to find you, so desperate to keep you from the Moon's story that they bet everything on a sorcerer like me, a descendant of the Moon to help them with their quest. What belongs to the Moon shall stay in the Moon's grasp. Damned, be those who steal from Her abundant light."

"I don't belong to the Moon, I-i'm not like you guys," Hoseok yelled while Yeonjun cackled. "Stop it! Stop laughing!"

Yeonjun's eyes glittered dangerously. "Without enabling the location spell, they'll never figure out where you are. Yoongi will never let you see them again. Who knows what they'll do to you so that you forget everything about your old life? You'll never see them again. Hoseok, this is your only chance. The Purebloods are not as merciful when it comes to what is owed to them."

"But I'll lose my tie with Seokjin!" Hoseok shook his head. "I-i can't let that go."

L'amour lie was meant to be only placed one time. While permanent, it could be erased, but once erased, it could never be put on the human body again. Everyone knew the risks to that. Hoseok would feel the pain all at once of losing his bond, as the body accustomed itself to letting it go. Then, he would feel nothing at all for the person that he'd once be bonded to. His skin would no longer be able to hold the l'amour lie bond, and if he ever tried getting it back, he would die in the process. What Hoseok felt for Seokjin was something that not even words could make sense of, and losing that— even if it was for the sake of being found, didn't seem worth it Hoseok.

If you're so sure that you won't lose any feelings for your love, Kim Seokjin, you wouldn't hesitate to get it removed.

Jungkook's voice swarmed into his mind, reminding Hoseok of the discussion that had taken just that morning. Had Jungkook known that later today Hoseok would be forced to choose? Had Jungkook been trying to prepare him beforehand, warn him, give him reasoning? No, that couldn't be. Not when Jungkook was the proclaimed enemy. Not when Jungkook was a vampire, one of them, and had interfered in Seokjin and Hoseok's lives, to begin with.

You don't need the connection to know you have feelings for Seokjin.

Granted, losing l'amour lie wasn't the end of the world. There were instances where those without the l'amour lie still remained together, but most who opted to get the l'amour lie removed never saw their intended partners again. Hoseok was confident that Seokjin would do everything that could be done, even if they weren't bound formally anymore— but it would also pose trouble for the marriage. Only those who are bound could marry and serve as Royals. Considering that Hoseok was the only son Micah ever had, this would bring the end of the line of the Jungs.

Hoseok couldn't let his father down like that.

"You drive a hard bargain, Jung," Yeonjun finally sighed, expression turning serious. "What if I give you the chance to speak with him?"

Hoseok's ears perked up at the offer. At least he would be able to tell Seokjin why he's breaking the l'amour lie. But who was Hoseok to trust Yeonjun's word? All of this seemed like play to Yeonjun as if Hoseok's life-altering decisions were the comedy of the century.

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