twenty four | "commander jeon, a pureblood's whore"

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There was something alluring about the way Namjoon would look at Jungkook, though the human couldn't put his finger on it.

His piercing scarlet eyes never left Jungkook's, no matter what steps he took. Jungkook would find himself breathing sharply at every step, feeling himself to be in an almost trance as the Pureblood pulled the cloak over his head, revealing then raven hair.

"Strange, isn't it?" Namjoon hummed as his hands reached out for a snowflake. "The gifts that Gaea, Earth gives us, and here we are, fighting a meaningless fight. A fight that humans will never win."

"Everyone's taught to hate your kind," Jungkook said, his hand securely around the hilt of his sword. "I've killed many of your kind, but you've killed far more than you'll ever be held accountable for."

"That is true," Namjoon agreed, glancing at Jungkook amusedly. "Commander Jeon Jungkook. Korea's most prominent killer, able to take down even the most trained of vampires without so much as landing a scratch on himself. You are the last human I expected to ask for our help. Not when you have plenty of years left to live. You're only twenty five. Isn't that a human's prime? Surely there's someone waiting at home for you. A wife. A kid, perhaps. Three years old? She looks just like you."

Jungkook froze, his breath catching in his chest.

"My brother was the one who told me of you. Yoongi." Namjoon continued, maintaining his tone casual. "I had to do my research beforehand. You know how it is. As much as I want to trust humans, a Commander wanting to see his enemies? I couldn't help but be suspicious."

In the blink of an eye, Namjoon appeared in front of Jungkook, a surprisingly warm hand now atop of Jungkook's own freezing ones, while Namjoon's other hand grabbed at Jungkook's jaw. Namjoon slowly pushed Jungkook backward, enough to cause the human to walk but not enough to lose his balance, not stopping until Jungkook's back hit the tree.

"You need my help to save your people," Namjoon smirked. He let Jungkook's jaw go, and the human groaned, not realizing how much pressure the Pureblood had actually placed. Before Jungkook could process anything, he felt both his hands lifted above him. Namjoon grabbed the sword from Jungkook's waist, eyes sparkling in humor. "I thought we'd gotten rid of these. Who gave this to you, Commander? Is this how you intend to save your people?"

"The only way to save my people is killing you and your brothers," Jungkook nearly spat. "That is how you can help me."

"You didn't answer my question," Namjoon's expression darkened. "Who gave you this sword? There should be none in human grasp."

Jungkook said nothing.

"Wrong answer, Jeon."

Namjoon let Jungkook go, making sure to point the sword in the human's direction to prevent him from trying to retrieve it. Jungkook stayed still, silently fuming as Namjoon distanced himself, his eyes now trained on the sword.

"This is stained with your blood," Namjoon announced, looking up at Jungkook. "Blood shielding. Interesting. The only way this would work is if you hate the Purebloods, is that what you were told?"

Jungkook took a step forward, only to fall onto the snow. Namjoon laughed, the sound ringing distorted in Jungkook's mind. He could hardly register as Namjoon sat in front of him, amused while Jungkook crouched over in pain.

"Internal bleeding," Namjoon commented, running his fingers through Jungkook's hair. "I don't have to touch anything to make it mine. I had hoped that you, Jeon, would be different. That you actually needed our help. But, the only help you need from us is our deaths, and I cannot have that."

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