forty point two | ''there is nothing more revealing than the truth''

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this is the second part of chapter forty! make sure to read the prior one first!

Micah's plan had been simple.

Aim at the Purebloods' weaknesses, utilize Artemis's Hunters to injure them, and eventually, kill them himself. Seokjin's army of soldiers— Micah's new army, had been gifted with abilities that rivaled even the strongest of vampires. He was aiming to strike, planning to catch them off guard, so they wouldn't be able to fight back.

What he hadn't expected, was that the fight would come to him in his own home.

"You can't win this fight."

Micah sneered at Namjoon's words, letting the swords clash against each other. Micah had multiple advantages— one of them being that this fight, was happening in his home. The place he had built from the ground up was his territory— and the Purebloods could have nothing on him for trying to take over it.

"I have decided to grant you the luxury of fighting fair," Namjoon probed, aiming his sword once more. "I could have you finished right now."

"I have Artemis's blessing running through my blood," Micah spat, deflecting the blow. "Your brother's too. You will not be able to kill me, no matter how much you injure me."

Namjoon smirked. "That doesn't mean we can't make you suffer, Micah."

"I'd be careful if I were you," Micah answered, "Every single person here has weapons specifically meant to injure your kind. It would be a shame if your soulmate got overpowered by multiple of my men at once. He'll end up the same way my father ended the life of his wife and daughter. Just look at him struggling as we speak. He'll be dead soon."

Artemis had told him the key to defeating the Purebloods was to exploit their soulmates' weaknesses. Make them see what wasn't there. And what wasn't there was Jungkook getting mauled by his army. But it didn't matter, because what Micah had learned, was that the Purebloods, though powerful, were not invincible, and when it came to their soulmates, their weakest side came out.

The oldest tricks in the book, and the Purebloods would fall for it.




Taking the distraction, Micah unlatched the hidden dagger in his belt and swung, landing the weapon straight onto Namjoon's back. Namjoon hissed in pain, his eyes flashing red. In an instant, Micah was on his knees, feeling his blood begin to boil in his veins. His vision starts blurring, his eyes started to leak what he quickly found out to be blood. Namjoon's eyes, now flickering as he tried grabbing the dagger, cursed out loud as his hand began to burn at the touch of the dagger.

"I told you, Pureblood," Micah coughed blood. "Those weapons are meant to harm you. Why would Artemis give me anything but the best?"

In response, Namjoon gritted his teeth, and pulled the dagger out, burning his hand in the process. The dagger dipped in Pureblood blood, clanged to the ground, but the damage had already been done. Micah could see it in the way Namjoon forced himself up, and how his wound was spilling blood that he was slowly working his way toward meeting his demise.


Micah could only laugh at Jungkook's scream, laced with the fear he had been craving to hear from them his entire lifetime. He turned to Jungkook, whose eyes were a mystifying electric, and with every walk, more and more of Micah's people fell. Micah glanced up at the Hunters hidden in the shadows, who were waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

One by one, they were falling into the trap.

The Hunters were a group loyal to Artemis, and they were now Micah's secret weapon. The Hunters were untraceable, unrecognizable, with no scent to alert anybody of their presence. They had been the missing equation piece in Micha's plans for destruction, but now that Artemis had so gracefully allowed them to be a part of this excursion, Micah had no doubts that they would come out victorious.

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