three | "just a bite won't kill you, your highness"

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There was something odd about how Hoseok felt as Obsidian led him gracefully across the dance floor.

Not that the situation wasn't odd from the start.

Hoseok was in the arms of a vampire who had yet to reveal his name, dancing at a nightclub for the first time in his life, on the side of town he had promised not to go to. He could almost hear his father's sigh of disappointment at his actions, the flash of anger that would no doubt be painted across his fiancé's face if he were to find out.

"Penny for your thoughts, Your Highness?"

Hoseok offered Obsidian a small smile. "I just, I didn't think that my last night as an eligible bachelor would be spent like this. Well, it's like I was an eligible bachelor because I've been love bound to Seokjin for all my life, but I wasn't expecting to be in the arms of someone else, a vampire, no less—"

"Does the thought scare you?" Obsidian murmured in Hoseok's ear, splitting the boy's thoughts for a second. "Being in a vampire's arms? I could kill you at any moment, and no one would bat an eye."

"I know you wouldn't," Hoseok answered, only causing Obsidian to chuckle.

"And how do you know I wouldn't, Your Highness?" Obsidian hummed, twirling Hoseok once before bringing them closer together. "Vampires and humans, we detest each other in every imaginable way possible. Sure, in places like this, humans and vampires meddle together, but I assure you, there's only one family that both mutually loathe. Care to take a guess?"

It didn't take a genius to figure out who Obsidian was referring to.

What Hoseok didn't understand was why humans were thrown into the mix. Sure, he understood that vampires would despise his family. It was a given, considering the Purebloods had unanimously dictated the Jung family as the rulers below them, as part of the treaty. Since then, his father and his family before him had only enforced strict, oppressing rules onto vampires to diminish their power and establish humans as the powerful.

The Jung family had all vampires on a leash. From monitoring to casting them on the opposite side of town— one severely rundown where violence and crime ensued, the very family that had sworn to protect and uphold vampires and humans to the same expectation had utilized their newfound power to cast vengeance on the vampires, given that they couldn't inflict anything on the Purebloods.

Hoseok was naive, but he wasn't disillusioned. He knew what his family had cost the vampires— at least to a certain extent. In truth, Hoseok was only aware of everything his family told him. But he'd walked into this side of town, so he knew that it was very much how his father had described it to him.

"Vampires love to commit crimes," his father would remind him anytime that Hoseok brought them up. "Given the opportunity, they'll go mad and kill every single one of us. They all want one thing— blood, which we gracefully allow them access to in small quantities; just enough for them to survive."

But humans?

Why would humans have such apathy towards the family that gave them all the power in the world? Towards the family that made it possible for humans, a species with no special ability, to dominate those that do.

It made no sense.

"Careful, Your Highness," Obsidian spoke once more. "You're getting a little too lost in your head. We wouldn't want to hurt that pretty little brain of yours a day before the wedding, right?"

"I don't get why humans would hate my family," Hoseok frowned, not noticing Obsidian tightening his grip on him. "Vampires are treated the way that my father sees fit, which isn't the best for them, but humans? People like me? Why would they hate their own kind?"

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