four | "the human body is an amazing thing you know"

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When Hoseok awoke the next morning, he awoke with a severe headache and Jungkook's worried shakes.

"Hoseok, you're going to be awake to your own wedding!"

Hoseok swatted Jungkook's hands away, a groan escaping his lips. Jungkook eyed him warily, looking at him in concern. He pressed his hand against Hoseok's, his concern doubling.

"Are you feeling okay?" Jungkook asked worriedly. He held up two fingers, waving them almost frantically in the air. "How many fingers am I holding?"

"Two," Hoseok mumbled, looking at Jungkook annoyed. "This isn't helping me. I'm fine—just a bit of a headache. I have to get ready. Go away."

Jungkook shook his head fiercely. "Uh, uh. No way am I letting you by yourself. Are you nuts? Look at yourself. You look like a hot mess."

"I'm fine," Hoseok insisted, pushing Jungkook as he got off his bed. "Why are you worrying so much for?"

Jungkook froze, watching as Hoseok walked towards his bathroom. "You have to look your best, right? You're not looking so hot right now."

Not looking so hot was an understatement.

Hoseok looked pale. Compared to his normally tan skin, he looked sick. His paleness wasn't noticeable, at least not to the naked eye, only if someone were to look hard enough. Still, it was weird that his skin had taken such a light color, though his cheeks more than made up for it, completely flushed red. It made sense that Jungkook was looking at him, worried.

His gaze went downwards to his neck; eyebrows furrowed as he noticed his birthmark taking a different shape. It was still the same as it had always been, but it seemed bigger somehow. Lines seemed to move down his body, lines that hadn't been there before. It seemed brighter in a way too, Hoseok couldn't quite pinpoint it.

"I doubt anyone's going to see the difference," Hoseok mumbled, washing his face. Jungkook only continued to stare at the confused human, a smile hinting at his lips. He watched silently as Hoseok went from one place to another, trying to get himself together for the wedding. From the looks of it, he remembered nothing of his endeavors the night before, just the way it had been originally planned.

"I'll call your ser—"

"Helpers!" Hoseok cut in, glaring at Jungkook. Jungkook put his hands up in surrender.


Leave it to Hoseok to treat everyone as his equal, even though he's running slightly late to his wedding.

Jungkook exited quietly, motioning for the servants who'd been anxiously waiting to help Hoseok. As he walked towards the end of the hallway, he sensed a bundle of nerves approaching his way. In one fluid motion, he pretended not to notice the presence, causing him to bump into the former, who hissed loudly.

"Jungkook, watch where you're going!" Micah nearly yelled. "I'm already dressed for the wedding, and you're going to dirty it."

Jungkook made a face. "Your outfit isn't that dazzling, sir. You'll live. You have more pressing manners at hand, though. I would suggest you look over that instead of me."

"Is there something wrong with Hoseok?" Micah asked immediately. Jungkook shrugged, eyeing the King innocently.

"Apart from looking like someone ran over him with a truck, he's fine."

Micah's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "You two didn't go anywhere you shouldn't have, correct?"

The latter shook his head. "No, sir. We wouldn't have made it past all the royal guards anyhow. They look like they can detect humans from miles away. I think it's nerves and excitement."

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