twenty nine | "what was once done has now become undone"

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The book was pried harshly from Hoseok's hands, and a hand flew over his mouth, in an attempt to muffle his screams— ones Hoseok didn't even know that he was voicing. He could feel the hot tears streaming relentlessly down his face, his body trembling.

It can't be real.

It can't be.

"Give it back!"

Hoseok felt himself lurch forward at the movement of the book as if he were attached to it by an invisible string. His fingers grasped desperately at the air, and any attempts of him wanting to take the book failed, leaving Hoseok to sob loudly, screaming dejectedly into the hand that was trying so hard to get him to quiet.

"You have to calm down!"

The voice was soft, urgent, pleading at Hoseok, who hadn't realized he'd regained his senses. He could hardly see from his eyes, everything seemed blurry and far away, screams and yells continuing to leap out of his throat, showing no sign of stopping.

"Yeonjun, do something!"

"What am I supposed to do?" Yeonjun asked bewildered, his eyes flashing brightly. "He's yours!"

"You caused this!"

Yoongi had never felt himself so much in his life. In all his centuries of existence, he had never felt so many conflicting emotions, yet, as he held Hoseok, trying desperately to calm him down and buy them more time, he could feel himself start getting desperate, seeing red, almost ready to both throw Yeonjun into oblivion and get on his knees to beg Yeonjun to fix this situation.

"Hold him steady."

It was a feat easier said than done. Even with his strength, Yoongi couldn't find it in him to use much of it— just enough for Hoseok to be unable to escape his grasp. There wasn't much that he could do but pity him. He should have warned Hoseok to be cautious. He should have done it more often, pressed how urgent it actually was that Hoseok walk lightly. Now, Yoongi was dealing with a hyperventilating human, and he had no idea how to properly try to comfort him.

With a sigh, Yeonjun pressed his hand against Hoseok's forehead. Yoongi heard Hoseok's voice slowly go silent, felt as Hoseok slackened against his hold. Yoongi breathed out a sigh of relief, pulling Hoseok, who was now unconscious, towards his body, making sure he kept his arm around tightly (as he could), to ensure Hoseok wouldn't fall.

"We have a lot less time than I hoped."

Yoongi's eyes drifted to Hoseok's closed ones, the Pureblood gently letting his fingers run through Hoseok's hair. He looked back at Yeonjun who swallowed thickly, guilt already riddling his former air-tight expression.

"If he remains dormant, his father won't come bursting into the room."

"Who is he, Rapunzel?" Yoongi snapped, pinching the bridges of his nose. "How long can you prevent Micah from remembering?"

"Cousin, need I remind you Hoseok remembering not only liberates him and his father but the rest of the country as well?" Yeonjun hissed, eyes beginning to glow brightly. "The spell's been undone. If I try to recast it, it could drag everyone in it, including us. You wanted him to know about it!"

"That was before this deal with the fucking Devil emerged!"

Yoongi tried to keep his voice leveled and calm. It was no good for him to be getting mad at Yeonjun when he wasn't the problem. He had wanted Hoseok to read about his father, but the circumstances right now were less than ideal. He'd half-hoped Hoseok would wait, at least, until things were stable enough on Yoongi's front. Yoongi wasn't a god— while he'd been successful so far, there was only so much he could do.

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