nineteen | "no one is ever purely evil"

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When Hoseok woke up the next morning, he turned to the other side of the bed to find no one next to him. Hoseok sighed, whether it was in relief or disappointment wasn't Hoseok's priority, and he sat up, stretching his arms before looking up to meet a pair of feline eyes.

"Has anyone ever told you, sunshine, that you tend to mumble in your sleep?"

Hoseok's cheeks immediately tainted pink, and his lips pressed together, his mind trying to remember if that was a habit that he had. Considering that the only person who would logically know was Jungkook, and Jungkook being in Hoseok's life had been nothing more than an illusion, Hoseok knew there wasn't anyone who could thoroughly prove that Hoseok talked in his sleep. Maybe his father, but Hoseok didn't have his father right now, and with how everything stood, Hoseok didn't even know that he could trust his father for anything.

"You also tend to grab others' sleeves," Yoongi tsked, only causing Hoseok's cheeks to flame even more. "I must admit, it was rather strange that you did that and then asked me to stay, but you should have seen yourself. I can only wonder what else you do in your sleep."

"I'm glad to have been your source of entertainment these past couple of hours," Hoseok responded, more embarrassed than annoyed. Yoongi laughed, the sound of it further embarrassing Hoseok, who covered himself with a pillow in an attempt to hide himself from Yoongi's line of vision.

"Don't feel embarrassed, sunshine," Yoongi's lips quirked upwards. "It's not like you said anything coherent. The only thing I understood was when you told me to stay. How could I say no to someone that was calling out for me in their sleep?"

Hoseok stared at Yoongi, agape. "You're joking. I would never."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "Never what? Lay in bed next to a Pureblood? You'll have to get used to it, darling, because that will be a regular occurrence from now on. Granted, sleep will no longer be a necessity, but I digress."

"How are your injuries?" Hoseok asked, mostly in an attempt to change the conversation. If Yoongi quickly caught on to the abrupt change in subject, he didn't show it. Instead, he smiled, showing his palm, and with his free arm, lifted his shirt. All that was left now was an angry red scar, one that did had started fading away but was very much prominent on the Pureblood's almost translucent skin.

"Your father wouldn't have gotten me if I hadn't been distracted," Yoongi sighed, bringing his shirt back down. "It wasn't too deep of a wound but did draw lots of blood."

"It isn't' healing as fast as I thought it would be," Hoseok admitted. Yoongi chuckled.

"That's what happens when humans hold weapons that are meant to kill Purebloods," Yoongi mused. "Especially with the loss of blood, we heal slowly. It's not a regular wound, after all. No matter the wielder, any trace of soulmate blood infused with a weapon is fatal, even more so when the blood is drawn at the time in which our soulmate hates us the most."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Yoongi waved Hoseok off. "None of this is your fault. It's your father's. Yes, he's your blood, but what he does is not your fault."

Hoseok frowned. "He used a weapon that he made using me. I was influenced so much by him that I accidentally gave him a weapon that could kill you and your brothers."

Yoongi shrugged, his expression somewhat indiscernible. He refused to take the apology Hoseok had given him and instead adjusted the collar of his shirt, leaving Hoseok dumbfounded. Nothing that Hoseok had said was untrue— the weapon his father had made using him had caused Yoongi to be injured, so while he hadn't held the hilt of the sword, it wasn't like he was completely out of the clear. Maybe it was Hoseok's consciousness, something in him continuously nagging at him that it was somehow his fault that Yoongi was injured.

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